Coming Soon

Sunday 2 April 2023

Sports I've tried and what I thought of them

 Looking at this topic from Long and Short Reviews, my first thought was "None."

Okay, maybe that's not accurate. I am categorically not a sporty person, and spent most of my high school years trying to avoid doing PE. I'm surprised I didn't get sent to the nurse for the number of times I got out of swimming by claiming I was menstruating or had an ear infection. As far as I'm concerned, swimming is what you do when you fall in. The only one I wanted to try was tennis, and somehow our class never got to do that one.

However, when I was a little older I got into dangerous sports. I've bungee-jumped and I've also skydived. Much more up my street.

I don't know if I'd bungee-jump again - it was a lot of hassle for ten seconds of bouncing around - but I did enjoy skydiving. There is nothing quite like floating down to the ground from a great height, and few things more beautiful than seeing another parachute in the air with you. It is, however, an expensive hobby, and I ended up quitting for that reason, though I would certainly think about doing it again.

So how do you feel about sports?


  1. Well, you're much, much braver than me! Bungee jumping and sky diving? Goodness me, I get wobbly at the top of a long flight of stairs!

    1. I was a lot braver when I was younger - no idea if I could do it now!

  2. Glad you like floating on air.

  3. Talk about 'go hard or go home'. XD The two things you like are two things most people wouldn't ever even try for fear!

    1. They were less scary than I expected. Whether I could do it now is open to question.

  4. I've never felt the urge to try bungee jumping or skydiving.
