
Monday 24 February 2020

My favourite memory and why

This topic from Long and Short Reviews got me thinking. I honestly had no idea what my favourite memory would be - it's not something I think about. In the end, I came up with one which is likely to seem very obvious.

My wedding day.

We got married at the local registry office in a family-only ceremony, walked down through town to a restaurant for the wedding breakfast and then had a larger reception in the evening at a hotel.

That was thirteen years ago in April, a surprisingly warm and bright day in which everybody got along famously, nobody turned up late and everyone had a good time.

And I got to dress like a medieval princess. You can't lose.

So what's your favourite memory?

Sunday 16 February 2020

Types of exercise I enjoy

When this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up I could hear my husband laughing hysterically. I am not a person who exercises and never have been. So my favourite type of exercise?


My husband and I like to go for long walks around the area. Yorkshire is known for its beautiful scenery and wildlife, so we'll go out walking and take photos everywhere.

This was taken at Snaizeholme up in the Yorkshire Dales. It took some getting to, but the red squirrels come right up to you to eat.

This was at Brimham Rocks, a beautiful natural area.

And this was up on Ilkley Moor. Again a bit of a hike, but worth it.

So what types of exercise do you enjoy?

Monday 10 February 2020

Books I re-read

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was a surprisingly tricky one. I read voraciously, but don't always have time to re-read even if I want to. However, when checking my Kindle, I did find a few that I faithfully re-read because they never, ever get old.

Royal Blood - Bertram Fields. This book is what made me a Ricardian, and it's always fascinating to dip back into it and remind myself why Richard III interested me so much.

This Is Going To Hurt - Adam Kay. This book and its sequel "Twas The Nightshift Before Christmas" are an absolutely hilarious take on being a junior doctor. How that man managed to keep a straight face through some of these incidents is beyond me.

The Wilder Life - Wendy McClure. Wendy McClure travels America following Laura Ingalls Wilder's life, and it makes for an amazing read.

So what do you re-read or want to re-read?

Thursday 6 February 2020

Valentine's Day Chocolate Giveaway!

Feb 1st-14th

Goodies Given Away Every Day Totalling $100

Cupid‘s brought you a magical box of chocolates. Every day, the heart-shaped box reveals a new treat. Take a bite to discover both what flavor is lurking inside the tempting chocolate shell and a new giveaway.

Each day, return to the site to click on the box of chocolates and discover another fantastic prize. Be swept away this holiday season by gripping romance, pampering treats, cozy gifts, and an amazing offer hidden inside the box of chocolates.

The giveaway is sponsored by these wonderful authors:

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Visit today to win a free ecopy of "Ready for Him"!

In the bar at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Jade Bleecker celebrates with her three best friends, all of whom are there to get married - Jade is their bridesmaid, and beginning to believe that three times a bridesmaid really does mean never a bride. Tattooed, pierced and a martial artist, Jade is used to inspiring fear rather than desire in men, and even if she did find one who could handle her - well, no man is worth trusting with her body.

But, as she is leaving the bar, she comes upon a mugging in progress and, with a few swift moves, makes short work of the mugger. Invited up to the victim's room for a nightcap, she is stunned to discover he is Will Vandenmeer - billionaire poster child of the Vandenmeer hotel and casino chain, and owner of The Sanctuary, one of the best known BDSM clubs in New York City.

Jade finds herself hopelessly attractive to the sensual, dominant Will, and when he offers to induct her into the world of BDSM, she accepts... but can she truly give herself to him, and is Will ready for what Jade has to offer?

Monday 3 February 2020

My celebrity crushes

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was tougher than I expected, because it's been a few years since I've crushed on a celebrity. Having said that, I can remember a few from my past who probably aren't to everyone's taste.

John Barrowman. Yes, I know he's gay, but I could never resist him as Captain Jack and I love a man with a good singing voice.

Gene Wilder and Alan Rickman. I put these two together because they were my Holy Grails as an autograph collector (I got them both, but it took a lot of effort). I could watch Gene and Alan in literally anything and would enjoy myself, although I will never forget Willy Wonka.

Alan Davies. I initially discovered Alan Davies in Jonathan Creek, but found I liked him even better as a comedian, particularly on QI.

Daniel Radcliffe. I'm not a lover of his beard, but I find him irresistible in almost everything he's been in after Harry Potter.

So who are your celebrity crushes?