
Saturday 25 February 2012

Eroticon 2012!

Hi all!

Been a while as unfortunately I've been ill for the past month - however, now I'm feeling healthier I can get excited about going to Eroticon next week. Here's my meet and greet post for the event!

Name: Tanith Davenport
Height: About 5 ft 6
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown and curly
Describe yourself in three words: Intriguing, intelligent and friendly.
What are you looking foward to at Eroticon?: Meeting fellow erotica writers. I've spoken to so many online and never met them face to face.
What’s on your Lovehoney wishlist?: Anything on their site that I don't have already.
What song would you add to the Eroticon playlist?: "Get Me Off" - Basement Jaxx

See who else is coming to Eroticon 2012 in the Meet & Greet link up