
Wednesday 6 December 2017

It's Blissemas! My top 5 things to love about Christmas

I'll happily admit I'm the Christmas fairy in our house. I love everything about it, with the possible exception of a little incident last Christmas when someone hit my car on a roundabout. But there are some things which make the season just that little bit more special.

1) Christkindlmarkt. My hometown has a German Christmas market which, for me, embodies everything I enjoy. Dark nights lit with glimmering lights, stollen cake, mulled wine, German stalls selling ornaments and wind lights. Plus I love being about to pop down there at lunch for one of their pretzels.

2) The Christmas food. Specifically, my mother's cooking. This year we've ordered a three-bird roast and a sirloin for Boxing Day, which will be combined with my husband's mash and my mother's roast potatoes. You know, one year I saw a recipe for "using up left over roast potatoes" and found myself thinking "Whaaaa?" Believe me, there's no such thing as left over roasts in my mother's house.

3) The wine. We're back to the mulled wine, of course, which is a wonderful thing to have in front of the TV on a snowy night. But let's not forget that since we don't have to be up in the morning, we can also drink all the Sauvignon Blanc, Torrontes and plum wine which will be waiting for me under the tree.

4) Lush. Okay, I know Lush is around all year. I love just walking past that place and bathing in the scents that waft out of the door. But at Christmas I get treated to vouchers for the Lush spa, which is one of my favourite places to spend an afternoon. Much as I love an ordinary facial and massage, there's something extra special about having them with mood music, rose-scented bubbles, chocolate body scrubs and finishing off with homemade lemonade and dry ice.

5) Writing. I'm a writer - who wouldn't love getting time off work to be able to write? Admittedly I almost never write holiday-themed stories, despite my occasional fantasies about sex under the tree and sharing sticks of rock. But this year I hope to finish off three pieces I've been working on for a few months - there's nothing like fairy lights and wine to serve as inspiration.

So what do you love about Christmas? Every comment is another entry to win the Blissemas Kindle!

Sunday 15 October 2017

Singapore Fling: Asian Adventures Book 1 - Lisabet Sarai Excerpt

Thai entrepreneur Ploy Kaewkornwattanasakul has come to Singapore to close a deal. Ploy needs to convince tech whiz Jason Chow to license his ground-breaking innovation to her company on favorable terms. The future of her startup depends on her negotiating skill. When she meets Jason, though, she realizes she wants not just the invention, but the inventor, too.

Jason Chow is a brilliant engineer, a successful businessman and a bit of a rebel. Hes attracted to Ploy from the moment he sets eyes on her. However, he doesnt dare respond to her advances, for fear shell discover his secret vice.

Ploy doesnt understand why the sexy CEO has rejected her. She figures shell have to content herself with the cold comfort of a signed contractunless the strength of Jasons desire overwhelms his shame.


Up close, he smelled even more delicious, clean and masculine. His mouth was firm, muscular, molding to hers as she deepened the kiss. It opened to her probing tongue; she tasted coffee and breath mints. He let her take the lead, sitting passive while she devoured him. That was okay. Ploy wasnt the shy type.

His muscles shifted under his shirt as he turned to face her, their lips still locked. She mashed her breasts against his chest, stimulating her swollen nipples. Shameless, she climbed onto his lap, straddling his lean legs. Her straight skirt rode up, baring her thighs. The hardness prodding her sodden undergarments told her that he was aware of her after all.

“Oh, Jason!she moaned, finally breaking the kiss. Releasing her grip on his neck, she brought her hand down to cup the promising bulk of his erection.Looks like youre hungry, too,she murmured.But I can help you with that...She fumbled with his zipper, stretched tight by his bulging cock.

“No!” The Chinese entrepreneur jerked, as if shed given him an electric shock.Dont!The chair rolled backward, slamming into the wall as he pushed Ploy off his lap. She barely escaped tumbling to the floor.

“What?” She clutched the table to steady herself and tried to slow her breathing.Whats wrong?

“We cant. Someone might come in and find us.

“Everyone’s gone.Indeed the outer offices were empty and dim.

“Sometimes the engineers come back to work after dinner,he protested. His sudden panic puzzled her. His eyes were wild with something that looked like fear, but the tenting in his trousers remained prominent.

“Let’s go to your place, then,she urged.  “Or my hotel. Its an easy walk.

“No, noIm sorryI should never have allowed...”  He wrung his hands, looking worried and lost. What had happened to the calm, self-confident genius shed admired all afternoon? Jason suddenly seemed a decade younger than his thirty years.

About Lisabet

Lisabet Sarai has been addicted to words all her life. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has written plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romancenearly one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genreparanormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Youll find information and excerpts from all Lisabets books on her website (, along with more than fifty free stories and lots more. At her blog Beyond Romance (, she shares her philosophy and her news and hosts lots of other great authors. Shes also on Goodreads and finally, on Twitter.  Sign up for her VIP email list here:

Buy Links

Sunday 13 August 2017

Smut Leeds 2017

On Saturday 12th August at 12 noon I arrived at the Live Arts Bistro in Leeds for an afternoon of reading slams and workshops run by the fabulous Victoria Blisse of Smut UK.

After a quick turn on the Erotic Tombola and socialising with fellow erotic romance writers, including Kryssie Fortune, Jennifer Denys, Janine Ashbless, Gilly and Zak Jane Keir, we went straight into the first workshop, "What Author Shape Are You?" Jennifer Denys led us through a ticksheet geared towards finding out our author style before splitting us into groups according to our author shape (apparently I am a rectangle) and setting us the task of finishing J.K. Rowling's latest novel.

Next came the first reading slam. Victoria Blisse, Kryssie Fortune and Anna Sky treated us to five minutes each from their novels while Stephanie Robb stood by with the paddle to punish - or reward - anyone who went over their time. This led to at least one writer being pursued across the stage, paddle aloft!

After a brief break we reconvened for the second workshop, "Using Random Factors". Zak Jane Keir had us roll dice to choose character traits for two protagonists, a setting and a random twist to throw in when we got stuck. I managed to get a brief outline for a potential story which will go on my list for later in the year.

We then moved on to the second reading slam. Victoria Blisse, Jennifer Denys, Zak Jane Keir and Ashley Lister treated us to more five-minute excerpts and, in Ashley's case, two poems, one about a woman who shoplifts using her vagina and one about Vagisil, the medicated cream. Needless to say, the room was in stitches.

Stephanie Robb then laid down the paddle and picked up the ropes, chains and bondage tape to give us a demonstration on Hogties and Rope. 

Using a willing (!) volunteer she led us through the safe usage of hogties, tape and Japanese rope bondage, much of which I think I'd be terrified to try myself but I took notes for future writing purposes...

I had to leave at that point so wasn't able to join in with the Smutty Crafting, but thanks to Victoria and Kev Blisse for a great afternoon - I'll definitely be coming to more!

Monday 7 August 2017

Smut Leeds 2017 – A celebration of Smut Writing.

 Smut Events are fun, safe, inclusive days out when our community of Erotica writers, sex bloggers, talented performers, consensual sluts, geeks & those that love them get together to socialize, exchange ideas and inspire one another.
Live Art Bistro is a voluntarily run artist led venue based in Leeds with a common goal to support the growth of Live Art practices in the region by providing space and opportunities to local artists, whilst also encouraging artists from further afield to present work in the city.
  • Jennifer Denys asks “What author shape are you?” and takes you through this fun personality quiz to help you learn more about yourself as an author and find others who have similar writing styles.
  • Zak Jane Keir on “Using Random Factors” she’ll be suggests ways of reviving a stuck plot or generating a story when you can’t think what to write about. This Interactive workshop features dice, playing cards and quite possibly a few spanking implements…
  • Victoria & Kev Blisse with Smutty Crafting helping you make a naughty little something to take home with you.
  • Stephanie Robb is bringing a bag of goodies to tease and inspire us. She will be demonstrating Japanese bondage techniques, restraints and her famous hog ties. Be warned she will require willing and unwilling volunteers.
Reading Slammers
12:00pm DOORS OPEN
12.30pm Intro by Victoria Blisse
12.45pm Jennifer Denys – What author shape are you?
 1.45pm Reading slam #1 – Victoria Blisse, Anna Sky, Gilly, Kryssie Fortune
 2.00pm BREAK
 2.30pm Zak Jane Keir – Using Random Factors
 3.30pm Reading Slam #2 – Ashley Lister, Jennifer Denys, Zak Jane Keir, Victoria Blisse
 4.15pm Stephannie Robb – Hogties & Rope Demo
 5.00pm BREAK
 5.15pm Victoria and Kev Blisse – Smutty Crafting
 5.55pm So long, and thanks for all the Smut!

  • Sensei will be on hand selling Handcrafted Toys for the discerning Kinkser.
  • Erin Pheobe will be selling and demonstrating some fantastic items from Ann Summers.
  • Nippleicious will be joining us and selling a whole range of fabulous non-piercing nipple charms.
  • The World Famous Erotic Tombola will be offering some truly sensational prizes from Uber Kinky, Sex, System Jo, Sh Womenstore and more!  

And every attendee will receive a goody bag filled with sexy delights from Smut.UK, Victoria Blisse Your Dirty Secret and

Tickets are available now for the smuttiest event of the summer! 

Saturday 29 July 2017

Echoes of Love Playlist

My new short "Echoes of Love" is now out on full release for just 99p!

This was a great story to write, and as with every story I had a playlist in my head. I've often wished I could release stories with music attached - "Play track 3 at the start of chapter 2." But since that's not possible, here's the playlist I used for "Echoes of Love".

1) "My Best Friend's Brother" - Victoria Justice. Cheesy teen track which for me summed up a lot of what Kala felt when she first met Tor and was reluctant to get involved with him for fear of upsetting Vika.

2) "Break Me Shake Me" - Savage Garden. One of my favourite tracks for sex scenes - passionate and heart-pounding, which suits Kala's first brief encounter with Tor as well as her later ones.

3) "Dreamtime" - Ralph McTell. A slower, more mystical one for a bit of a mental break, but also suiting Kala's love of the paranormal and the mystery behind it.

4) "Ghost" - Ella Henderson. Both figurative and literal in its description of the vardoger.

5) "I'll Be There For You" - The Rembrandts. As the story develops we discover the secret Vika carries; this song represents Kala's desire to help her and be there for her in difficult times.

Paranormal writer Kala Westenra, staying with her best friend Vika in Norway, is hunting for a new subject for an article, and finds it when she hears footsteps in the hall twenty minutes before Vika's hot brother Tor Viitanen arrives home. This, Vika tells her, is the vardoger - a Norwegian ghost, a future echo which always precedes a person's arrival.

Kala plans to stake out the hallway to catch the vardoger in the act - and is shocked when, on its arrival, it kisses her. Her feelings for Tor have been hidden ever since she first met him two years ago; could it be that the vardoger is acting on Tor's secret desire for her?

As Kala and Tor work together to understand what is happening with the spirit, their longing for each other begins to overtake them - but the vardoger has more to show them than they expected...

Saturday 6 May 2017

Hosting Lisabet Sarai - "Damned If You Do"!

Of Frustration and Temptation

Being an author is not for sissies. You pour your heart and soul into your stories. You spend hours of your scarce time and more money than you can afford on marketing. With each new release, you hope you’ll finally grab the attention of the book-buying crowd, that you’ll get the readership and the remuneration you deserve.

If that doesn’t happen (and given the number of people publishing books these days, odds are that it won’t), you’re stuck with the bitter knowledge that all your passion and effort were for nothing. This can be deeply demoralizing, even if you’re not trying to make your living as an author. If you depend on your writing to pay your bills, you’ve got financial anxiety added to your frustration.

I know this frustration only too well. My books receive consistent five star reviews, but somehow I’ve never been a commercial success. Thus, Damned If You Do is a rather personal story.

What would I do if I could magically turn my books into best sellers? How much would that be worth to me? That’s the question my romance author heroine faces when a mysterious stranger shows up waving a contract and promising her fame and fortune, sensual pleasure and the fulfillment of her most secret desires.

All he asks in return is her soul.

Crazy. Dangerous, maybe. But so, so tempting!

Starving author Wendy Dennison signs a contract with a charismatic stranger, exchanging her soul and her body for fame and commercial success. When she discovers her mild mannered agent Dan has a dominant side, she’s forced to choose either celebrity and wealth, or obscurity and true love.  


The smoke-tinted windows created a perpetual twilight within the vehicle. An equally dark barrier separated the spacious back seat from the driver in front. No one could see the lewd manner in which Mister B dragged her shirt up to her armpits and her bra down to her waist, exposing her ample breasts. When he twisted her nipple with impeccably manicured fingers, lust poured through her, as though he’d opened a spigot. Her pussy overflowed to further drench her already-sodden panties. She squirmed on the slick seat, hungry for stimulation.

Without releasing her breast, he rubbed two fingers along the damp seam of her jeans. Wendy couldn’t suppress a desperate moan. He chuckled as he sniffed his fingertips. “Your fragrance is exquisite, my dear.” Cupping her pubis, he ground the heel of his hand against her clit while his fingers beat out a frustrating rhythm against the tightly stretched denim between her thighs.

She hadn’t been this turned on in months—no, years. The substantial bulge at his fly told her he was also aroused, but somehow she didn’t dare touch him. Though he had yet to give her any orders, he had made it clear she had to obey him if she wanted to reap the benefits of this strange arrangement.

Meanwhile, an odd passivity had taken her over. He’d told her not to think, but only to feel. Her rational self, the part that screamed warnings about engaging in sexual trysts with total strangers, had retreated to some distant corner of her mind, leaving only a hunger to be touched, a craving to be filled, a shameful desire to be used and even abused.    

“I know what you want, Gwen. What you truly need. I’ve read all your stories of implacable masters and eager slaves. But you never go all the way in your tales, do you? You don’t dare show the world the true depths of your depravity.”

His words inflamed her almost as much as his actions.

“I—oh!” He ripped open her fly and forced his hand down the front of her jeans, under the elastic of her underwear, into her soaked and swollen cunt. His fingers were like tongues of flame as they probed her cleft and teased her clit. “Oh, please…I can’t bear it…”

As quickly as they’d arrived, his fingers were gone, leaving her empty and aching. She gazed at him in a state of horny disbelief as he used a monogrammed hankie from his breast pocket to clean her juices from his elegant hands. “I shall decide what you must bear, my sweet little slave. Now I believe we’ve arrived at your abode, where we can explore this question further. You should fix your clothing.” 

Contest Information

I will be giving away three $10 bookstore gift certificates during my release blitz, and three free ebook copies of my BDSM erotic romance The Gazillionaire and the Virgin. I will also give a $5 GC to a randomly selected host. The blitz ends June 1st.

To enter, readers must:

Sign up for my VIP email list:


Leave a comment with their email address on my release day announcement page:    

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