
Sunday 29 September 2019

What I'd want on a deserted island

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews was a tricky one, as my practical brain immediately started trying to work out how much food and water I'd need, but let's face it, that's not what people want when they talk about this - they want all the personal stuff. So let's assume there's enough food, drink and electricity to go round and get on with the individual items I'd want there.

TV and blu-ray player with a stack of horror films. Well, I'd get pretty bored on a deserted island without anything to watch, and it's got to be horror. Although if I can get a Sky subscription out there that would help.

Books and my Kindle. Unsurprisingly, given I read at least four books a month. I'd go mad without my Kindle.

Computer. I'd also go mad if I couldn't write, and I no longer have the patience to hand-write stories, so computer it is.

And of course - sunscreen. Because I am extremely pale and never tan, so would like to avoid burning, thanks.

So what would you want on a deserted island?

Monday 23 September 2019

Authors I wish more people knew about

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. A lot of my favourite writers are reasonably well known and probably don't need any help, but there are a few who I still mention and get "Who?" as a response.

Will Storr. A "Loaded" journalist who writes books, his debut book "Will Storr vs the Supernatural" about his paranormal investigations absolutely fascinated me.

Anne Bronte. Everyone remembers Charlotte and Emily, but Anne is only just starting to be noticed, despite the fact that her two novels were worthy of the Bronte canon.

Gavin Maxwell. I first discovered him when reading his biography, but loved his "Ring of Bright Water" series and also his travel books.

And I would have to include myself in this, of course. Since I've mentioned supernatural writing, I'd like to draw your attention to "I Heard Your Voice".

Tamar Steele’s life was never supposed to be like this. A sensitive working with a team of paranormal investigators, she is trapped in a loveless relationship with the team’s medium, Reed James, who believes that having sex on haunted ground enhances paranormal activity. Tamar maintains their partnership for the sake of the crew, forcing herself to ignore the burgeoning sexual tension between her and fellow investigator Jason Bray.

Until one night when, alone and bored, Tamar sings to herself and is knocked to the ground by an invisible force. Somehow she is able to invoke spirits with the power of her voice. And one particular sexy, matchmaking spirit is determined to turn her life upside down.

So who would you like more people to read?

Monday 16 September 2019

What is my superpower?

This topic by Long and Short Reviews was a difficult one = does it mean what superpower do I currently have, or what superpower do I want? As far as superpowers I currently have go, I'm not convinced I have any, although my husband would say I have the remarkable ability to make a mess wherever I go.

But my preferred superpower?


Specifically, I would love to be able to freeze and rewind time at will. I once saw a TV show with a girl who could do this by touching her fingers together. It would be great to be able to freeze time so I could do whatever I liked, or rewind time to be able to have another try at something.

But knowing me I'd primarily use it to get more sleep.

So what's your superpower?

Monday 9 September 2019

Books I keep meaning to read but haven't

I've got a lot better at reading books when I intend to, but when this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up I realised there were still a few sitting on my bookshelf that I've never got around to reading.

Part of the problem, I think, is that I read everything on my Kindle these days, so when I have something in paperback I tend to forget it's there. I've been halfway through "Men, Women and Chain Saws" for ages for that very reason. And then there are these:

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath. I originally picked it up because it sounded like an interesting take on depression and haven't touched it since.

Catch-22 - Joseph Heller. Again it sounded interesting, but I think the war angle may have put me off.

A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess. I know why I haven't read this one - the violence got in the way. However, I'm determined to read it one day.

So what have you been meaning to read?

Sunday 1 September 2019

Books that deal well with tough topics

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews took some consideration. I admit that I spent a lot of time in high school being chased around by the librarian who wanted to recommend me "worthy" books while I just wanted to read "Little House on the Prairie". I admit that I tend to avoid books that deal with tough topics after having yet another special about drugs pushed on me.

That said, I do remember a few which were actually readable.

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. I didn't always like Judy Blume, mainly for her habit of having every piece of dialogue trail off into ellipses, but this coming-of-age book about a girl and her period ticked all the boxes.

The Pistachio Prescription. Paula Danziger was one of my favourite writers as a teen, and this book handled divorce with sympathy and humour.

This Place Has No Atmosphere. Another Danziger novel about a girl whose family moves to the moon, leading her to miss her friends and new boyfriend and have to accustom herself to life in space. A little lighter than other Danziger novels but it dealt with the topic well.

So which books did you think handled tough topics appropriately?