
Tuesday 10 January 2023

What I think of New Year's resolutions

 A nice topic to follow on from last week. As I said then, I tend to use the same resolutions every year, simply because I know I'll do them.

I used to decide things like go to the gym, work out five times a week, lose weight and learn to cook new recipes. These always went nowhere. Like many people, I would quit the gym at the end of January, would never remember to work out inside the house, and while I did occasionally manage to lose weight, the cooking of new recipes would never last either. I think I managed one, it came out terrible and I gave up. I am not a cook.

So I stick to challenges that match what I enjoy so that I'll definitely do them. Reading more, watching more films, going to the theatre more, trying new foods. They're all things that I do anyway so it doesn't hurt to do more of them. I'm also challenging myself to finish off Agatha Christie's catalogue - I've read most of them now (including all the Poirots, Marples and Tommy and Tuppences) but have a few left still.

So what do you think of New Year's Resolutions?


  1. I like the idea of challenges relating to what you enjoy. I think this might be the way forward regarding New Year's resolutions! :-)

  2. Picking the right goals is so important!


    1. It's pointless me doing it any other way - it won't work!

  3. Yes! Having fun is important for these kinds of challenges. Otherwise, why bother?

  4. That's a great way of approaching it! I like it. :)

    My post

  5. That's certainly a healthy way to set goals for yourself!

  6. This is a NY Resolution I could stand behind! Also, Agatha was my grandma's favorite!

  7. I like your thoughts on New Years Resolutions!

  8. Yeah, staying focused on the fun part of the goal helps me. Like, right now I'm practicing Not Drinking, which isn't much fun to think about doing; but I'm doing it because it's by far the fastest way for me to lose weight, and losing weight is a happy thought for me.

    1. I agree - there are a lot of calories in alcohol, but I do love wine...
