
Monday 30 January 2023

What I eat in the average day - and COVER REVEAL!

 Speaking as someone who works from home most days, this topic from Long and Short Reviews should have inspired me to come up with all sorts of exciting recipes I cook. I wish that was the case. I am a terrible, lazy cook, I admit. Everything is quick and easy.

Mornings? Boiled eggs, mostly.

Lunches? Something I can put in the oven and ignore for thirty minutes. I'm fond of ready meals as they're nice and straightforward, and I almost never use the microwave because those meals tend to come out terrible.

Dinners? Much the same, although I may switch it up and do burgers and chips. It would probably help if my husband and I cooked together, but as we eat separate things, it hardly seems worth making a big effort for one person. In the past I've made resolutions to learn how to cook, but I simply don't have the patience, particularly when every recipe is for 4 people.

And, of course, I will snack on crisps all day.

Yes, I agree I'm unhealthy.

So while I'm here, I just have to reveal my brand new cover for "I'm With The Band".

His only regret was letting her go.

When filmmaker Tawny Michaels is asked to make a documentary about recently re-formed band Greycomet, she already knows who she’ll have to face – her ex-boyfriend Marsh Kilmer, lead singer of the band. In the ten years they’ve been apart Tawny has been happy with nothing but flings, choosing to avoid relationships, but Marsh’s only regret is losing her – and he’s determined to win her back, no matter what.

Knowing the production company is in the financial hole and finding herself still attracted to Marsh, Tawny decides to go along for the ride, but their passionate reunion hits trouble when the documentary attracts a stalker who has been relentlessly chasing the band. Tawny finds herself hiding out with Marsh, fighting to keep her business afloat while keeping herself safe – but soon realises her safety is the last thing on her mind. Can she forgive Marsh the past and trust him with her heart?

"I'm With The Band" is now on pre-order from Totally Bound and will be on general release on 9th May 2023.

So what do you eat in the average day?


  1. It is difficult when everyone eats different things or has separate dietary requirements or even when they eat at different times. Also, the book cover is very eye-catching!

    1. Thank you! Yes, we have to schedule our meals so rarely eat at the same time.

  2. I tend to repeat a lot of the same meals, too.

    Congratulations on your new book!


  3. I understand that part with your husband. I want to eat healthier but have my family to feed. My husband and son get picky when I go healthy and my daughter is just a picky eater. So instead of making two meals, I make one and eat less than healthy that I want to.

    1. I've given up on real healthy eating. It gets expensive.

  4. RE: cooking for one -- I'm a big fan of leftovers (for that pesky microwave) and will frequently cook a meal for four people, eat some, put the rest in small, microwaveable containers and then I don't have to cook again for the rest of the week :-)

  5. Love the cover.... and I get bored cooking the same thing over and over. My son and his wife are currently staying with us, so either I or Sabrina will make a meal in the evening and it's usually enough for leftovers. That helps.

  6. Man, I feel you on the eating different things bit. One kid is vegan, the other kid is lactose intolerant. But, I've found a lot of recipes that I can finagle enough to make vegan. In the end, like they say with babies, fed is best, however it happens.

    And that cover is amazing!

    My post

    1. Thank you! Yes, I had a friend who was allergic to dairy and eggs - cooking and dining out were a nightmare.

  7. That would totally be me, if my husband didn't cook... I'd raccoon every meal! Great cover!

  8. I do NOT like cooking for myself. I do love cooking for my family though. I would not want to make a mess for just me.

    1. That's the other advantage of ready meals - less mess!

  9. I like cooking things for 4, 8, or more people. Freeze portions of those things and you have leftovers to heat up and eat all week! I didn't write "The Fix It and Forget It Cookbook" but I approve of the idea.

    1. I always worry I won't heat it up enough and will poison myself. I'm good at that.

  10. Cooking when everybody is on their own schedule (or has their own meal requirements) really is a pain.

    1. Yes, my husband doesn't have his lunch till 3pm so dinner is always on a different schedule.
