
Monday 23 January 2023

Something I'm proud of doing

 An interesting topic from Long and Short Reviews this week. I can think of two things I'm proud of doing, and both are things that take up a lot of my time.

During the day I work as a debt advisor for a charity. It can be stressful - you can probably imagine the sort of things we hear from clients, particularly during our current cost of living crisis - but it's also very rewarding. Debt can sneak up on anyone at the worst possible times; all it takes is a divorce, a death, a huge medical bill or the loss of a job. Knowing that the work we do makes a genuine difference in the lives of people who are struggling makes it all worthwhile.

And of course, outside of work I am an erotic romance writer, and yes, I am proud of that. The romance genre is often dismissed as "slush" or "trash", and the erotic romance genre is even more often dismissed as porn - I have been called a sex worker before by people who really should know better. But I'm proud of what I write and nobody is going to convince me otherwise. There's nothing wrong with wanting a bit of fantasy and a happy ever after.

So what are you proud of doing?


  1. I like your answers. Your day job sounds interesting! And, yeah, debt is an easy thing to fall into even if you save as much as you can. Bad luck can compound so quickly.


    1. A lot of people assume debt only happens when people overdo it with their credit cards. It's rarely as simple as that, and I do my best to help where I can.

  2. Good answers... and your day job sounds very rewarding. Helping others always helps yourself, I've found.

  3. Well, there's nothing wrong with good clean healthy sex, and afaic there's nothing wrong with being the good clean healthy sort of sex worker. Just not the kind who actually touches people and spreads diseases.

    Anything that helps people get themselves out of debt is good work, indeed.

  4. Totally with you on the writing front -- writing things that make people happy is a good and worthy activity. That those writings have sex in them makes no difference at all. And helping people with their debt... good Lord, I'd love to be doing that much good in the world.

    1. Thank you! I agree that as long as people enjoy it, the fact it has sex in should make no difference.

  5. I had problems with debt when I was younger and worked with advisors at a debt charity who were super helpful and got me started on the road to fixing things so I can only imagine how good being that person must be!

    1. It's a rewarding job - debt can happen to anyone and we do our best to help people out of it.
