
Tuesday 3 January 2023

My goals for 2023

 I always love this topic from Long and Short Reviews. It's nice to give some thought to what my goals are for the year, writing-wise and otherwise. I have a set of resolutions I set every year, but I always try to think of others as well.

My usual resolutions are to read one book, watch one film and try one new food every month. Last year I managed 30 books (as tracked by the Goodreads challenge), 45 new foods and I don't know how many films, but it was definitely more than 12. I hope to do the same this year - and since I've watched 3 films already, I think that one is well on the way.

I also plan to see as many plays as I can and try to finish off my list of Shakespeare plays, as I'm aiming to see all of them on stage at some point. I have tickets for about five at the moment, so that one is going well.

As far as writing goes, I plan to write more in the Rock My World series and possibly branch out with a couple of new writing challenges. We'll see how those go, but I've just started a new one, so fingers crossed.

So what are your goals for 2023?


  1. These are good goals, Tanith! I like the idea of breaking them up into monthly challenges.

    Lydia :)

    1. It's the only way I'll ever stick to them :)

  2. I like small chunks too. Wish we were closer good theatre. Great list. I especially like the trying a new food once a month... we get caught in the same old same old.

    1. Yes, I find it encourages me to branch out a little with food. Tanith

  3. These are great goals, good luck with them all!

  4. Great goals! I'm trying to expand my foodie horizons as well, and have determined to live by "I'll try anything once" because you just never know what you might end up enjoying.

    1. Yes, a lot of my favourite foods have been discovered that way. Tanith

  5. I wish I lived where Shakespear is appreciated, it would be nice to see all of them live.

    1. I'm about two and a half hours away from Stratford, which is very handy. Tanith

  6. Hi! Your goals are great! I wish you luck with them! I LOVE to try new foods! (that is why one of my goals should be loose weight! LOL) I am so happy we are back to the Weekly Challenge for this year

    1. I should also make losing weight a goal, but I doubt I'd stick to it. Tanith

  7. Oh, I especially like the Shakespeare plays goal! I really don't go see enough theater.

    1. I love theatre, so I definitely need to see more of it. Tanith

  8. Ooh, those are good goals, especially the Shakespearean plays! The closest I've come to seeing one is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, and that isn't even close. ;)

  9. I love the idea of trying new food every month - I'm forever cooking new recipes and trying new ingredients... sometimes it works LOL Good luck!

    Mine are at

    1. I don't have the patience to cook - I tried that one year and failed miserably. Tanith

  10. Monthly challenges make goals SO much more manageable, for sure. I love the self-care that accompanies your goals too! That's SO important and so often overlooked. Best wishes for your resolutions/goals.

    1. Thank you! It's definitely the only way I would stick to them.
