
Monday 8 July 2024

Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews essentially has two answers for me.

Online? Yes.

In person? Less so.

I got into the habit of doing most of my shopping online to avoid Christmas crowds, since there are few things I hate more than being stuck in a mile-long queue in Primark. However, since then I've found online shopping to be preferable in most instances. Apart from avoiding the queues, you also have the advantage of being able to look for exactly what you want without having to lug yourself round from place to place (as was proven when my husband was looking for an electronic item and nowhere had it, but insisted on still displaying it in the window "so people can see what we've got." Um, you haven't got it, that's the point.)

The only snag is the shipping cost, but as long as it's not ridiculous I can deal with it.

So how do you feel about shopping?


  1. I'm with you, Tanith. Any shopping I need to do, I do it online. I have family members who like to go and touch everything and smell things and spend ages in shops. That life is not for me.

    1. I don't mind that if it's Lush. Otherwise yes, online every time.

  2. There are a lot of advantages to online shopping for sure!

  3. I do see the advantages of on-line shopping and do use it quite a bit, but I've being trying to move back off line, both to maintain my local economy and increase my overall activity level.

    1. Good for you, Greta! I’m trying to do the same thing.

  4. About the only thing I'd buy online would be a book. My parents used to mail-order things instead of going to stores, then act surprised when, more than half the time, they didn't like what they got. I'm one of those who want to see it, handle it, try it on.

    1. True, mail-ordering clothes can be risky for sure.

  5. A lot of stuff online is sold cheaper then in the store. Got most of my camping gear online that way.
    My post:
