
Tuesday 22 August 2023

Three fun facts about myself

 I liked this topic from Long and Short Reviews. I've often played "Two Truths, One Lie" during icebreakers, so I had a couple of facts to fall back on.

I had dinner with an actor from "Hollyoaks". It wasn't a date - it was for my brother-in-law's girlfriend's birthday dinner, and he was friends with my brother-in-law. I won't say who it was, but he was completely different from his character (he played the local comic relief, whereas in person he was very much the ladies' man) and he managed to get us into the VIP room of a nightclub afterwards.

I was on an episode of The Chase. We didn't win, but I did bring four thousand pounds back to the table after my Cash Builder. Our chaser was Anne, and while many people have asked me what Bradley Walsh was like off-screen, I can honestly say I don't know since he had his game face on from the moment he walked on set.

Until I was 21, I had taken off in a plane but never landed in one. I used to skydive between the ages of 18 and 21, but had never been on a foreign holiday so had never been up in a plane that wasn't designed to jump out of it. I eventually went on my first proper holiday after I finished my Masters, and exited that plane by the normal method.

I'm very interested to see what everyone else is going to come up with!


  1. Skydiving?! I mean I'd love to be that brave, but I'm just not 🤣.

    1. It was a lot less scary than I expected it to be.

  2. You’re brave for going skydiving!


    1. I was surprised that I wasn't that nervous when we were up there. Not until my instructor started singing "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life", anyway.

  3. Oh, fun! I can't say I've ever done anything that would qualify as "famous" beyond the level of local news, but those all sound like unique, interesting experiences.

    1. I'd love to do a TV quiz show again - just need to get accepted on one.
