
Monday 7 August 2023

The strangest dream I've had recently

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. I often have very vivid dreams and keep a notebook beside the bed so I can write any good ones down, as I've often used them to inspire my writing. My novel "Photograph" was inspired by one dream, and "The Hand He Dealt" by another.

That said, I haven't had any good ones lately, so instead I'll tell you about the one that inspired my upcoming new entry in the "Rock My World" series, "Get Out Of Here".

In the dream I was at a motorway service station. From what little I remember about the layout, it was probably Woolley Edge (which will mean nothing to those who don't drive down the M1). As I walked out of the services back towards my car I was stopped by a group of men who made it clear they wanted to abduct me.

Just as I started to panic, a voice behind me said "Hey! Stop bothering my fiancee!" I turned round to see an attractive man standing behind me, someone I had never seen before but who had obviously decided to step in and save me. It worked, too, because the men all disappeared, at which point I woke up.

That was definitely one to write down, and it inspired the opening of "Get Out Of Here", which is due out in February 2024.

So what strange dreams have you had lately?


  1. Hunk to the rescue, good dream

  2. Interesting dream. Keeping a notebook by your bed to record dreams is such a great idea!

    1. They don't always make sense in the morning, but it helps!

  3. What a cool way to keep a dream alive!

    1. It's nice when it works - seems to happen less and less now though.

  4. At least he had good timing!

  5. I was the "good timing" post above -- it was supposed to connect to Google. o_O

  6. I'm glad you were able to turn that into part of your writing! Most of mine are just a little too disjoint for that, though there have been one or two...

    1. A lot of mine don't make sense, but there's still those odd ones that work.
