
Monday 14 August 2023

A documentary I liked

 I had to think a moment for this topic by Long and Short Reviews. I haven't watched many documentaries lately, I have to admit. However, I did remember one which stood out for me.


For those who haven't seen it, this is the one which is a searing indictment of SeaWorld's treatment of its orcas, and the multiple deaths caused by orcas in their care. 

While it makes for uncomfortable viewing at times - particularly the section where a young Spanish-speaking woman is in tears describing the death of her fiance - I'm glad I watched it, because I've been to these sorts of shows before and, at the time, enjoyed them. I daresay I would have enjoyed going to a SeaWorld show had I not seen this film and discovered how terribly the orcas are treated.

It's definitely worth watching, but will probably make you cringe.

So which documentaries have you liked?


  1. Replies
    1. I loved it. Very hard to watch in parts, though.

  2. I have to admit I haven't heard of that one but may have to see if it's available. Although I suspect it might make me very angry - which is probably the point really

    1. Yes, it's definitely not easy viewing, but worth it.

  3. Took the family to Sea World in San Antonio decades ago. Don't think I'll go again.

    1. Yes, it's impossible to imagine going after seeing that.
