
Tuesday 2 August 2022

Weirdest food you love

 I spent a bit of time thinking about this one from Long and Short Reviews, because my bar for thinking a food is weird is set very high. I have a broad palate and will try anything once, so I was struggling to think of anything that I loved and yet also considered weird - the few things that I did feel were weird (like jellied eels and pigs' trotters) I also didn't like.

So the best I could come up with was that I like to mix different cuisines within the same meal. I've often been called weird for that, because for many people if they're eating Thai, then they're eating Thai for the whole meal. I, on the other hand, am quite happy to start a meal with larb, move on to fish and chips and cap it with a glass of plum wine or apple ice cider, thereby going round the world in one evening.

So what's the weirdest food you love?


  1. Nothing wrong with that, sounds scruptious.

    1. Certainly works for me. And now I want some larb.

  2. I had very much the same issue. Like... what's weird when it comes to food?

  3. I'm the same... .I'll try anything once. And, I love me some fish'n'chips.. mmmm

  4. I judged mine based on things other people have told that are weird when I've mentioned them or eaten them. Food is fuel, I don't know if it can be 'weird' , even things I don't like, doesn't mean they're weird (I'm ignoring texture issues in that, feeling weird that way isn't the same as the food being weird)

    1. Yes, it's quite hard to judge what's weird when it comes to food.
