
Monday 22 August 2022

Bookmark, scrap paper or dog-ear?

 I can already see this topic from Long and Short Reviews will be a polarising one. I've seen many posts about how people hate people who dog-ear their books.

Fortunately, as I have a Kindle, it's not usually a problem. However, I do occasionally collect signed copies of books, so I have on occasion read hardbacks or paperbacks. But no, I don't dog-ear the pages. I don't have any bookmarks, so I generally use a piece of scrap paper.

Or, horror of horrors, I just leave the book open, which I'm sure does terrible things to the spine.

So what do you prefer - bookmark, scrap paper or dog-ear?


  1. I'm definitely a bookmark user - although will use pretty much anything that's to hand, other than dog-earing. I couldn't do that to a poor book!

    1. I admit I did as a child, but would never do that now.

  2. I used a book mark or whatever scrap paper I can find.

  3. Dog-ear is a no-go that I realized as a child. I already felt bad about it, but when I returned it to the school librarian (who was also a Nun), she scolded me about "tearing up the Lord's treasures that were loaned to me in good faith!" I thinking, "Really, lady? I already feel dreadful about it. But, hey, I returned it early!" #teambookmark

    1. I think I'd have been thrown out the window if I'd done it to a library book...
