
Tuesday 16 August 2022

Where would you spend one day in the past?

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an easy one. I spend a lot of time going to the theatre and have an ambition to see every Shakespeare play in the theatre at least once (I've seen them all streamed, but have about ten left to see live). 

So if I was going to spend a day in the past, I would go to the original Globe Theatre and see Shakespeare as it was originally shown.

I would love to see how similar the atmosphere is to the current Globe, and would also love to hear how Shakespeare's language was pronounced back then. There are definitely a few rhymes in there which don't work in current idiom but may have been different back in the day.

So where would you spend a day in the past?


  1. I'm with you on this, love the Bard.

  2. Nice! That would be quite the trip...BUT, you'd have to be careful with'd have to know what station you are in society...oh, and they throw their toilet water out the window, so again, be careful...that would be the time when my ancestor, Sir Nicholas Mosley, was Lord Mayor of London.

    1. I'm pretty sure I'd have been in the groundlings section :)

  3. Oooh that was one of my choices as well - it would be epic to see!
