
Monday, 22 February 2021

My greatest strength

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was a tough one, because this is the sort of thing I'm terrible at. I can tell you plenty of things I'm not good at, but my strong points? No chance.

At one point I might have said my imagination, but I'm not sure I can push that at the moment, because lockdown has left me with a severe case of writer's block. I've struggled to get any writing done at all recently - if not for the new plans by my publisher to release my books as audiobooks, I'd barely feel like a writer at all.

So, strong points at the moment?

I'm good at learning new things - I can pick up a wealth of new information quickly.

I have a very high pain threshold - that's what having a chronic pain condition gets you. Someone else's level 10 pain would probably be my level 5.

And, thanks to my introversion, I'm good at being alone. Obviously I live with my husband, so I'm rarely completely alone, but I'm dealing quite well with not being able to go anywhere, unlike many people I know who have been climbing the walls for months.

So what's your greatest strength?


  1. I'm with you.... it's hard for me to pick out my strong points. It was so bad with this one I finally asked my husband! lol... you can see what he said here.

  2. Yes, introversion has been a wonderful strength for those of us who have this over this past year!

    1. I'm usually surrounded by extroverts, so it makes a change!

  3. It was hard for me as well. I've been told I have a high threshold for pain, but then there are certain things that put me down for the count - paper cuts for example. Lol. Kudos that you're getting the books into audio and foreign translation. :-)

    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to that - always fancied having them as audiobooks.

  4. This has been a time of unnatural stress and that is the imagination killer. It'll come back.

    1. Hopefully. I'll have to bite the bullet and make myself write more.

  5. First thing this morning, I left a remarkably long comment that didn't show up for some reason. Trying again! First off, I think we (as human beings) tend to feel as if thinking good things about ourselves is conceited somehow, so it's really hard to be positive about ourselves. It's important, though. So keep it up!

    Re: writing -- I've had the same issues. I started doing the Friday Five at LASR to help because it's just low stress writing. Not to be published or anything else, just a little ditty to try to start getting going again. You might give it a try and see if it helps. The prompts are here: My post is here if you'd like to swing by.

  6. Learning new things is a great one! Keeps the brain flexible. And yeah, I'm with you on the difficulties of writing anything right now, though my stress level is slowly coming back down.

    1. I'm a little less stressed now I've had my first vaccine, so hopefully it'll improve.

  7. Introversion does help during the pandemic. I'm the same. And like you and many of my colleagues above, I'm struggling to write and read. Reading used to be a source of inspiration for my writing and that has disappeared as well.

    1. I'm still reading, at least. I'm getting through a lot of books.
