
Tuesday 2 February 2021

A few of my favourite things

 This week's topic from Long and Short Reviews was a tricky one since it was so wide-ranging. I have a lot of things which could be considered my favourite, and many change day by day. So what are my favourite things?

First is something I've mentioned a few times on here - horror films. I love all cinema, but am a particular lover of horror and have a very high tolerance for junk, so can watch some really terrible horror and still enjoy it (Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, for instance). My favourite at the moment is Hell House LLC, which fortunately is available for free on Amazon Prime and also via Shudder.

Then we have two things I can't do at the moment - trying new restaurants and going to rock concerts. I attended a streamed version of a Darkness concert recently, which is likely to be the best I can do for some time. As for new restaurants, I'm using Deliveroo a lot to try new cuisines, although nothing beats trying a new place out in person.

And finally... my cats.

Dash and Spot like to sit behind me and get strokes whenever I need a break from work. They also have remarkably accurate watches, since they know exactly when I'm due to log off and make their dinner.

So what are your favourite things?


  1. I'm with you on cats and trying new restaurants. Whenever my husband and I would go out of town, we would purposefully skip chain restauarants (especially those we had at home) and try something new. We found some gems that way!

    1. We've done that too! We've found a few favourites that way.

  2. But did you watch all the Sharknado movies? LOL...

  3. Those cats are adorable. Love them.
    The zombie shark movie was a bridge too far for me. Lol.

    1. I think I missed that one :) I've seen Ghost Shark and Sand Sharks though.

  4. Awww... your cats are adorable! It's a shame about not being able to get out and do things like trying new restaurants. I miss that!

    1. As soon as we're able we're planning on going out and trying as many as we can.

  5. Wife's the cat person, but Pippin always wants to rub up against me and sit in my lap. Drives her crazy.

  6. I miss going to restaurants. Its trying new foods, but also seeing new places, how they are decorated, the themes.. Definitely miss them too.

  7. I love horror movies, too. Honestly, the cheesier the better!

    Aw, I mentioned my cats, too. :D Such little cuties!

    My post

    1. Nothing like a good junk horror film to make you laugh!

  8. Great list. Loved the pictures of your cats. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  9. Awww, your kitties are so precious! I love them. I also love a good psychological horror movie and trying new restaurants. Even though we can't go out, we still like to get take out from new places.

    1. Thank you! Yes, Deliveroo is good but doesn't quite make up for not being able to get out.

  10. I am completely with you on the horror movies; I've watched some amazingly bad ones, and some amazingly good ones with absolutely no budget. And your cats are a pair of irresistible cutefuzzies, and you can tell them I said so. (By "tell them" I mean "give them scritches".)

    My answer is here.

  11. I'm with you on horror movies. Watching them is one of my favorite things to do. I'll watch old silent ones to the latest slasher ones and anything in between. Your cats are so cute!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love all types of horror, particularly paranormal.
