
Monday 15 February 2021

How I take care of my health

 Self-care is a topic which is hot recently, thanks to coronavirus locking us all up in our homes, and since I'm not high on the list for a vaccine it's unlikely to change any time soon, so when this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up self-care was the first thing that came to mind.

I'm the first to admit I'm not the healthiest individual. I can't really exercise at the moment as I have a respiratory condition which prevents anything strenuous, and I have to be careful which vitamins I take as some clash with my medication. So for my physical health, there's not a lot I can do other than eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, take my meds and go out for a walk when I can. My husband and I like to go out to local wildlife reserves whenever possible, which at the moment is unlikely as a lot of the nearest ones are flooded.

Taking care of my mental health is trickier. I've been working from home for nearly a year and it takes a toll, even for an introvert like me. I keep a steady supply of books and films and stay in touch with friends as best I can - we've been having Zoom meetings for each other's birthdays and sending memes to each other. It's tough, but I'm soldiering on.

So how do you take care of your health?


  1. Zoom calls have made life easier this past year for sure!

    What fruit and vegetables do you like the most?

    1. I absolutely love strawberries and blackberries, so I get those whenever I can. For vegetables I'll eat pretty much anything, but I did try a new garlic and green beans recipe recently which has hit the top of my list.

  2. I'm used to working from home, so as far as that goes, not much has changed. I do miss getting together with mu lunch bunch or with other friends. My post is here if you want to stop by

    1. Yes, a group of us used to go to dinner twice a month - I do miss that.

  3. There are zillions of really great work out videos on YouTube, from simple stretching and yoga to pretty hard core cardio. I try to take a moment and do 10 minutes of yoga every day using one (usually targeted: like for my hips or neck). It's nice to practice a little self care. Hang in there!

    I'm here today: Thanks!

    1. I'll have a look. I've tried yoga before and it was quite good for my back.

  4. Zoom calls with friends just to stay connected are good. I agree. There are some walking videos on youtube where you walk from your house, in your living room. those are good and you can do them at your pace. (((hugs)))

  5. Being locked inside all the time is definitely taking its toll on everyone. Thank goodness for services like Zoom! I hope the flooding subsides and you can get back out for a walk. Those walks work wonders!

    1. I'm hoping for an improvement in the weather so we can get back out soon.

  6. I've been playing (and running) a couple of DnD games with friends online, and I think that's one of the main things that's holding my sanity together. Right now, of course, we're trapped by the Texas Snowpacolypse, so our self care is more like "holding on as best we can". I talked about it here:

  7. Being stuck in the house is taking a toll on a lot of people. Even my generally reclusive 19-year-old is feeling the effects. But we do what we have to in order to take care of ourselves!

    My post

  8. Zoom calls are the only way I've seen our 4 kids and 2 toddler grandsons since our last masked camping trip in late October. I miss the hugs. Even masked hugs are better than nothing! This too shall pass--but not nearly quickly enough!

    1. We've only seen our family at a distance for months - I can't wait for it to pass!

  9. Pandemic has really made taking care of mental health harder. I hear you.

    1. It's definitely difficult. I'm trying to stay positive.
