
Monday 1 March 2021

My greatest weakness

 Okay, so we went from greatest strength to greatest weakness in the Long and Short Reviews list of topics. If I was a superhero, I'd probably refuse to answer. However, I don't have any kryptonite-level weaknesses lurking, so I'll have to come up with something a bit more realistic.

My husband would probably say my weakness is an inability to see mess. He notices every misplaced item, while I can walk straight past it - and this happens a lot, because our cats have a habit of carrying things around the house, so I'll walk into the living room and find the teatowel and washing up sponge lying in the middle of the floor. As long as we're not living in filth I don't really mind misplaced stuff, which is just as well given these two animals.

The other weakness is probably insecurity. I am never happy with the work I do, even when other people are happy with it. This, I think, is just part of being a writer - we nitpick our own work and then pass it to editors who nitpick it even further. I suppose it can be healthy to want to make things better as long as I don't get too obsessed with it.

So what's your greatest weakness?


  1. Yes, nitpicking your own work seems to be common for writers. :)

  2. I agree, we tend to rip our own work apart, even when people tell us it's good. That's why I like having an editor. :-)

  3. The more you want it perfect the better the work turns out. I don't want praise for my book I want a beta-reader to help me make it better.

  4. I understand the being "mess" blind....I eventually get to a point where I've had it and do a massive cleaning (but to be husband generally gets there My post is here if you want to stop by.

    1. So does mine - he's much more of a clean freak than me.

  5. I'm a nitpicker too! I know to a certain degree it's a good thing (I don't like to do sloppy work) but it can really be crippling other times, lol.

    1. Particularly when starting a story - it takes me forever.

  6. LOL... I live with a "mess blind" kid. Honestly, it boggles my mind!

  7. With you on the not seeing the mess -- though I suppose it's not so much that I don't see it, it's that I tend to ignore it if I don't have the spoons to deal with it. Nitpicking? Definitely.

    1. I frequently don't have the spoons to deal with it, I admit.

  8. I'll add my agreement here. Writers are perfectionists. As for not seeing mess, my standard is hygiene not piles. :)

    1. I suppose it's natural for a writer to want perfection.

  9. I think all writer's doubt their own writing. It seems to be part of the process.

  10. Being blind to messes is a super power. :-) I know what you mean about the work never being good enough. It doesn't matter how many times I go over it. I'll always find something to fix, too.

    1. And then my editor will find something else. :)
