
Tuesday 6 August 2024

Funniest advice I've ever received

 When this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up I had, in fact, just been discussing this with my husband, as there was one piece of advice I was given as a teen which immediately leapt to mind. I don't know if I found it funny at the time, but it does make me laugh now.

It was, essentially, "You don't have the face to seduce a man, so win him with chocolate." A version of the way to a man's heart being through his stomach, I suppose. And I do have a face like a bag of spanners, so they probably had a point.

I did try this out a few times and I can't really argue its effectiveness. I managed to get the sixth form heart-throb to sit next to me all morning after I tried the old "The vending machine gave me two bars of chocolate by mistake, do you want the other one?" And when my husband and I first started dating, I would leave a Mars bar in his coat pocket so that he could find it while walking home at night.

According to him he didn't remember me doing that, but he did remember I always had a stock of Wispas when he came over.

So what funny advice have you received?


  1. What an awful thing to say to someone! But I love the secret Mars Bar tactic!

  2. I’m sorry they insulted you like that, but chocolate is a great icebreaker.

  3. I mean, ouch? But yeah, good strategy!

  4. Well, shame on anyone suggesting that a teenaged girl would *want* to pursue a boy, or man, when she has a right to enjoy being pursued! But if it impressed a fellow chocolate lover it wasn't all bad...


    1. I think the idea was to encourage the pursuit, but either way it did the job :)
