
Monday 4 April 2022

A unique talent I have

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. My husband would probably say my most unique talent is the ability to make a mess and not notice, a talent I share with my two cats. While he has a point there, it's probably not that unique. In fact, I'm struggling to think of one that truly is.

The one thing that I did think of was related to my day job as an admin. I have a gift for organisation. I am very good at arranging meetings, having all the paperwork in order, planning residentials. And something that for some reason seemed to floor people I had meetings with - I could always anticipate them. 

What that last means in real terms is that somebody would be holding forth on a particular topic and would need a particular document to prove their point. At the moment they needed it they would turn to me to ask for it and I would already be holding it out for them. Apparently people don't realise just how predictable they can be in these situations - or maybe it was just that I had been reading their paperwork for ages and knew it inside out.

So what unique talent do you have?


  1. Being organized is a wonderful talent!

  2. That actually is a very cool talent.

    1. Thank you. It's one I had a lot of time to practise.

  3. I wish I had your talent... I could use it (re: making a I DO share that one!!) My post is here if you want to come by.

    1. Yes, I just need to apply my organising to the mess :)

  4. Organisation is a super power, let alone a unique talent!
