
Monday 29 November 2021

What sparks my creativity

 As a writer, this topic from Long and Short Reviews was very appropriate, particularly since I'm in discussions for a three-book series at the moment, so needed to be creative at a moment's notice. What does actually spark my creativity?

I've posted previously about how dreams are one thing that I get ideas from all the time. I tend to dream very vividly, and can often come up with full scenes which end up incorporated into stories. My novel Photograph was heavily based on a dream I had about two sisters and their shared dream of escaping into the local theme park, so I will always use dreams as a resource.

Another source is songs. I've often wanted to include a downloadable file with my stories so the reader can play relevant songs for each scene - almost everything I write has its own soundtrack, and often songs will influence the title as well. It's only a shame that I can't actually quote from song lyrics without running up against laws, because I've often wanted to do that as part of a scene.

And finally - films. If I find myself interested in an underused character or plot thread in a film, I may borrow them or it and develop it further in a story, although I'll change character names to avoid getting sued. Films can be a great source of ideas.

So what sparks your creativity?


  1. great ideas... I've often thought about the stories behind songs and how they could be interpreted. I dream a lot, but unfortunately never remember them...they float away like smoke as soon as I awaken.

    1. Songs are a great source of inspiration - I find they can add meaning to a scene.

  2. Music is an essential part of my writing process too. A good song can concisely capture a particular mood or dynamic...

    1. It really can - I'd love to include a soundtrack with my novels.
