
Monday 25 October 2021

Favourite Halloween treats

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews is definitely not for me - I am not a Halloween person. I don't decorate, I don't buy sweets in for kids - in fact every year we go out for dinner so we don't have to pretend to be out. I envy America its rules about the porch light being out meaning no treats here, because here in the UK kids will bang on every door regardless.

And they terrify my cats.

However, as a child I used to go to my best friend's house for a Halloween party, so I do have some experience of Halloween treats. Her parents were very big on apple bobbing, and after we had dunked our faces they would give everyone a freshly-made toffee apple. I didn't care for Halloween even then, but I did love those toffee apples.

So what's your favourite Halloween treat?


  1. I never stopped to think how different it is between the different countries with how they celebrate Halloween. Yes, we use the porch light and are taught not to go to houses that don't have the light on.

    Toffee Apples sound delicious

    1. They were! Yes, I do wish we had that tradition over here, although I don't mind going out.

  2. Man, I haven't had a toffee apple since I was kid. Not sure I could actually eat one now, but they sure were wonderful back then!

  3. I love apples just about any way I can get them. :-) I'm just the opposite about Halloween, though. It's my favorite. I used to enjoy handing out candy and seeing kids in costume, but where I live now, I unfortunately get no trick or treaters at all.

    1. I'm the Christmas fairy in our house, but have never liked Halloween.
