
Monday 5 July 2021

Best biography or autobiography

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one, because I love biographies and autobiographies. Warwick Davis, Burt Reynolds, Agatha Christie, the Bronte sisters... I'll read pretty much anybody. Which is why I had to narrow it down to two favourites, in the end, as I couldn't stick to just one.

The first is The Brontes by Juliet Barker. It's thorough (this book will last you for ages), it's up to date and it deals with all of the Bronte family, as opposed to a number of biographies which only deal with one sister at a time and often get confused over who is doing what.

And the second? Gavin Maxwell: A Life by Douglas Botting.

I actually read this one before I even knew who Gavin Maxwell was, just because I saw on the back that he had worked with Terry Nutkins. He was a fascinating, if flawed, man and this is an excellent take on him written by one of his good friends.

So which is your favourite biography or autobiography?


  1. I completely forgot about Agatha Christie's autobiography! I read that one and thoroughly enjoyed it!

  2. I'd never heard of Gavin Maxwell... you sent me down a rabbit hole. He has an otter species named after him (!!) how cool!

    1. He does, although I'm not sure if there are any now - I hope there are!

  3. Both of those books sound good! I hadn’t heard of either one.

  4. I did love Agatha Christie's autobiography. It was great. Thanks for reminding me :-)

  5. The Bronte Sisters would be a good read. I've decided to join in on this topic.

  6. The Brontes sounds interesting.
