
Tuesday 23 March 2021

What my last meal would be

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was a tough one. I have a fairly wide-ranging palate and my favourite foods can vary from week to week, so trying to come up with one dish - or three, if you allow for a three-course meal - was hard work. I can like something one week and be bored with it the next.

For the starter, I think I'd go for burrata. For those not in the know, it's mozzarella cheese mixed with cream. I discovered this at a local Italian restaurant since I love mozzarella, so this is the perfect way to begin a meal.

I'd follow this with a roast dinner of some description. I've recently been hankering after roast pork with crackling, so I'd probably go for that, along with roast potatoes, carrots and green beans. You can't beat a decent roast.

And finally - cheesecake. I love almost all types of cheesecake but my favourite is lime, which unfortunately is impossible to find anywhere at the moment.

So what would your last meal be?


  1. You have some of my favorites here... but I'm new to burrata. So going to check that out. It sounds amazing!

    1. It's quite hard to find over here outside of restaurants, but I love it.

  2. That all sounds delicious, especially the roast pork!

    1. I haven't had decent pork with crackling in ages.

  3. Burrata sounds delicious! I must investigate:)

  4. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh... I forgot to have dessert on mine. Sad...

    I've never heard of Burrata, but you had me at cheese.

  5. You can never go wrong with cheesecake. Love the roast vegetables too.

  6. Sounds good. I'm going to have to try Burrata.
