
Monday 29 July 2019

Favourite food and how I use it

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews was a tough one. I never cook and don't use recipes. However, I suddenly remembered one thing I do cook which involves one of my favourite foods - cottage pie, topped with mashed potato. My mother had a recipe for cottage pie which I still follow and it always turns out perfectly.

I won't bother with serving sizes as those always varied according to the dish we were using. :)

  • Take one pack of beef mince and fry until brown. Put in the pie dish.
  • Chop three red onions and four carrots. Add to the dish.
  • Open a tin of beans and add those to the dish. We used to use flageolet beans but my husband prefers baked beans, which add a slight tomato flavour to the gravy.
  • Make a cup of Bisto gravy flavoured with Bovril and add to the dish.
  • Boil the potatoes and mash to your preferred consistency using milk and butter.
  • Top the meat with the potatoes. Add butter to the top and ruffle the top with a fork so it will crisp in the oven.
  • Heat the oven to 200C and cook for 25-30 minutes.
And now I want cottage pie.

So what are your favourite foods?


  1. This is one of my favorite comfort foods and it's been a while since I've made it. I may try it the way you make it, just for a change :-) My post is here

    1. I hope you do - it's always come out well for me!

  2. Oh, I love cottage pie! Good choice.

    My post.

  3. I've never had cottage pie, but this sound delish! Might have to try it tonight. Thanks!

  4. Sounds a lot like how I make mine, minus the beans (I never could stand beans, oops)!

    1. I'm sure it doesn't lose much by taking out the beans.

  5. WOW, I was just wondering what to have for dinner. Just so happens I have all the ingredients. Thanks so much for sharing! Here's mine.
