
Monday 15 July 2019

Fictional worlds I'd love to visit

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews was a tricky one, because a lot of what I read is either historical or dystopian, neither of which are places I want to go. I spent a long time trying to come up with a story set in a beach resort and couldn't. I did, however, manage to come up with a few possibilities.

Uglies. An unusual choice possibly as this is a dystopia, but it was one I honestly had no problems with. At the age of sixteen you get to have extreme plastic surgery to make you beautiful and then go and live in New Pretty Town for the next twenty-odd years partying constantly - what's not to like?

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I dreamed of going to live with Gene Wilder in the factory as a child. Nothing but chocolate waterfalls and sweets as far as the eye can see.

Jurassic World. Okay, so it all went wrong in the end. However, assuming they could keep control of it - which they obviously did until they introduced the Indominus Rex - I would love to visit a place where I could see dinosaurs. It would be a dream come true.

So where would you like to visit?


  1. I'd like to go to Willy Wonka's factory. That sounds like fun for a while. I'm not sure about Jurassic Park. Lol. Great post.

    1. As long as they kept the dinosaurs behind the fences I'd be happy.

  2. Jurassic Park was on my list! Great minds think alike. :)

    My post.

    1. Yes, it'd be great as long as they kept things under control.

  3. OMG, yes to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! And honestly, barring any raging dinosaurs, Jurassic World sounds kinda cool.

    My post

    1. It probably helped that I'm a huge fan of Gene Wilder. If he came with the factory I'd be happy.

  4. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a good one. Jurassic World is one I considered, but only after the dinosaurs are safely tucked away. LOL Thanks for sharing. Here is min choices.

    1. Yes, they'd have to keep a tight rein on the dinosaurs for it to work.

  5. Oh! Lovely choices, and I didn't think of any of them. I haven't read Uglies, but I absolutely agree on Jurassic Park and the Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

    My list is here.

  6. Jurassic world if I had a really big gun. Willy Wonka not so sure about, the kids kept having bad things happen to them.

    1. True, but if you will insist on doing things you're not supposed to...

  7. Jurassic Park would be fun and terrifying at the same time. I'd wait a few months after opening day. Just to make sure any fencing or other issues are worked out. :)
