
Tuesday 6 August 2019

Books I loved but never wrote reviews for

This prompt from Long and Short Reviews was easier than most, for the simple reason that I almost never put reviews online, so this was primarily about which books I wanted to review but never got round to.

Kiss Me Like a Stranger - Gene Wilder. An interesting autobiography in which Gene Wilder isn't ashamed to make himself look less than perfect from time to time.

The Wilder Life - Wendy McClure. In this McClure details how she spent years travelling round all the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites digging into the history. It's a fascinating tale.

A Private Disgrace - Victoria Lincoln. I was always fascinated by the Lizzie Borden case, and this is an unusual take which suggests Lizzie may have been suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy.

Gavin Maxwell: A Life - Douglas Botting. Probably the first biography I ever read; Botting was close friends with otter expert Gavin Maxwell and brings him to life perfectly.

So what did you like to read?


  1. I thought The Wilder Life was pretty interesting. It's cool that you've read it, too.

    My post.

    1. It was a great story and told me a lot about the history.

  2. I loved Kiss Me Like a Stranger. It was a great book. I'll have to check into the others.

  3. The Laura Engalls Wilder stuff is just fascinating -- and I say that never having read the original books. A friend of mine was telling me about Prairie Fires (Carolyn Fraser) and the history floating around those events is just fascinating.

  4. Nice list! These all sound interesting. I'd love to read Kiss Me Like a Stranger and The Wilder Life. I never even heard of these. I'm going to check them out. Thanks for posting!

  5. I need to get that Gene Wilder biography, I loved him. :)

  6. I agree with Aymee about Gene Wilder.

  7. Haven't read any of the books listed. But will have to take a peek at the Gene Wilder book.
