
Tuesday 13 December 2022

Your favourite crafty thing to do

 I had to try this topic from Long and Short Reviews as it's the last one for the year, but with a slight twist, as up until now I don't tend to do anything crafty. I've never been good at sewing, knitting or any hobby involving my hands, unless you count writing, which I don't.

So in the New Year I plan to look into possible crafts.

I know people who cross-stitch, which looks less difficult than traditional sewing, so that might be worth looking into. And, to stretch a point slightly, my husband is a keen photographer, so I may look into improving my photographic skills. I'm not bad at finding attractive shots, it's just a matter of learning the skills to take them.

I will also be eagerly looking at everyone else's posts for crafty ideas.

And as I've mentioned my writing, I just thought I'd add that I have a new one coming out on 27th December, the second in the Rock My World series - "The Start of Something".

He dominates the charts, but can he dominate her heart?

Pop-rock singer Tamsin Keller likes to dominate, but when she breaks up with her cheating ex-boyfriend, she visits BDSM club Dante’s for another reason—to submit.

Her experience is heightened when she locks eyes with a mysterious stranger, who turns out to be rock star and Dominant Aspen LaRoche. Fascinated by Tamsin, he invites her to his holiday home for the weekend and Tamsin accepts, hoping to discover more about her submissive side.

Aspen proves to be an expert tutor, and Tamsin finds herself addicted to the pleasures he shows her. When Aspen also discovers she is a singer, he offers her band an audition with his recording company, and Tamsin jumps at the chance, knowing he can provide opportunities that she has never had before.

But when Tamsin’s jealous ex reappears in her life, will Tamsin’s career and happiness be over, or will this be the start of something for both her and Aspen?

Have a great Christmas and New Year, everyone!


  1. We picked very similar answers! Cross-stitching seems like such a cool thing to do.

    (I hope this comment goes through. I’ve been trying every single week).


    1. My blog is doing weird things with comments, so I'm glad it went through!

  2. Oh, my goodness! That worked. *happy dance*


  3. Cross stitching is fun... and I forgot about taking pictures!

    1. It's probably the most likely hobby I could take up.

  4. Ooo...cross-stitch sounds fun, I just don't know if I have the patience for it. I love the way things look when they are completed though. My daughter loves it as well. Congrats on the new book!

    1. Thank you! Yes, that's why I never tried it, but I do love how they turn out.
