
Tuesday 29 November 2022

Share your morning routine

 The actual topic this week from Long and Short Reviews was "Share your morning or bedtime routine", but my bedtime routine is boring, so I decided to stick to the morning. 

I am weird, apparently, in that I get up two hours before I'm due to log in to work from home. I know many would say it would be great to just jump out of bed five minutes before work started, but I'm not built that way - I like to have a relaxing morning before I start work. I don't like to be rushing around getting ready.

So after getting washed and dressed, I make breakfast, feed the cats, and then get online for an hour. I check my email, check Facebook, do any promo I may need to do, and get a small amount of writing done. I also waste a bit of time on the SongPop app, which for some reason I have never grown out of.

And then it's usually time to log in to work, and I won't get chance to write, surf or anything else until lunch.

Well, it works for me. I used to save getting dressed until I'd finished eating and messing around online, but I find I can't write in a dressing gown. My entire writer's routine consists of putting clothes on.

So what's your morning or bedtime routine?


  1. If you want to be serious about something you have to dress for it. Or at least my track coach used to say that on road trips and we had to dress up.

    1. I can understand that.

    2. That was me by the way - my blog won't let me sign in to comment for some reason. Tanith

  2. Hi!! Im so the opposite about being dressed!! I love to wear jammie pants around the house! I do a lot of writing in bed at night, on my cellphone sometimes!! I get an idea and I grab my phone and get into my Google drive where all my documents are and just write away!

    1. I wish I could write in pyjamas. Tanith

  3. I am still trying to figure out my routines, every time I think I've sorted one, it isn't quite working. Right now, with insomnia, I'm that work-from-home person who rolls out of bed about 10 minutes before I start work!

    1. I've never been able to do that, sadly. Tanith
