
Monday 2 May 2022

Best mother in a movie

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was a tough one. Mother characters aren't ones I tend to notice and I also watch a lot of horror, so I've seen a lot of mothers who were utterly horrible, abusive or absent entirely.

Then I remembered Rosa Vasquez from Shazam! 

The parents in Shazam! are foster parents who run a group home for foster kids. Given superhero films are also famous for having broken family backgrounds and foster families are also often portrayed as abusive, it is extremely refreshing to see Rosa written and played as a loving, caring mother who works hard to provide a secure family environment for her foster kids.

So who are your favourite mothers in books, TV or films?


  1. I haven't thought of Shazam! in years.... I vaguely remember the TV show from the '70s.

    1. It wasn't my favourite DC film but I did enjoy it.

  2. Yes! That's a great answer. I loved that movie for so many reasons, her being one of them.

    My post

  3. I agree that foster families are a trope as horrible. Nice to know a story puts them in a good light.

  4. I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I haven't actually managed to see that movie. It's on my list, I just haven't gotten to it. One more thing to look forward to.

    1. It wasn't the best DC film but it was worth a watch.

  5. Oooh a positive foster family story sounds amazing - 'grew up in care' has been such an insta-backstory lately and it's nearly always the same one

    1. Yes, it was nice to see a happy one for a change.
