
Monday, 25 April 2022

Book, movie or TV show you can't wait for

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was a straightforward one. I've been re-watching all the MCU films as well as the TV series that have recently been showing, such as WandaVision and Hawkeye, so I know exactly which one I can't wait for.

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.

I'm not sure it's going to go in the direction I wanted - Wanda is one of my favourite characters, and it looks like she's going to be the Big Bad in this film - but I love Elizabeth Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch, so it's still going to be worth seeing.

So what can't you wait for?

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

What's on my TBR list

 I always have a TBR list as long as my arm, so I've decided not to go too mad with this topic from Long and Short Reviews - I'll just stick to a few that I have on preorder from Amazon.

I have three books due later this year:

Undoctored by Adam Kay. I loved his previous two books and so am looking forward to this one.

The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman. Again I loved his previous two cosy mysteries and am expecting nothing less from his upcoming one.

Back to the Prairie by Melissa Gilbert. I've read a lot of the autobiographies of the "Little House on the Prairie" cast and am always interested to read more of what they have to say.

So what's on your TBR list?

Monday, 4 April 2022

A unique talent I have

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. My husband would probably say my most unique talent is the ability to make a mess and not notice, a talent I share with my two cats. While he has a point there, it's probably not that unique. In fact, I'm struggling to think of one that truly is.

The one thing that I did think of was related to my day job as an admin. I have a gift for organisation. I am very good at arranging meetings, having all the paperwork in order, planning residentials. And something that for some reason seemed to floor people I had meetings with - I could always anticipate them. 

What that last means in real terms is that somebody would be holding forth on a particular topic and would need a particular document to prove their point. At the moment they needed it they would turn to me to ask for it and I would already be holding it out for them. Apparently people don't realise just how predictable they can be in these situations - or maybe it was just that I had been reading their paperwork for ages and knew it inside out.

So what unique talent do you have?