
Tuesday 1 December 2020

An average day in my life

 I'd love to be able to say, as a writer, that an average day in my life consists of sitting in front of my computer creating magic. Isn't that what we writers are supposed to do all day? But sadly my usual days are a lot more prosaic than that, although writing is at least included.

On an average day I'll be working from home 9-5, so I get up at seven to give me time to get things done first. I'll get in an hour of writing and also surf for a couple of hours, making sure I'm up to speed on my email and have my to-do list up to date. Then at about quarter to nine I'll fire up my work laptop. I work as a debt advisor so will spend the day dealing primarily with emails from clients and creditors, along with occasional projects as they come in. At twelve I'll break for lunch - one of the benefits of working from home is I can have a hot lunch every day, since I never did like having to take sandwiches to work.

At about 3pm my husband will come home so I'll have a background of Top Gear and Wheeler Dealers for my last two hours of work, then I'll feed the cats and start dinner. We tend to cook just for ourselves as our schedules are out of whack - my husband doesn't get lunch until about 3 so won't be hungry for dinner when I am - so, as I'm not much of a cook, I'll usually fire up a ready meal. We'll then spend the evening watching either a film or junk TV, which in my case tends to be paranormal or quiz shows. I admit to having a soft spot for shows like The Cube or Tenable.

I'll also set aside some time to plan out my writing for the following day, as I am definitely a planner rather than a pantser. 

So what's your average day?


  1. Ah the Gear head shows. I get a daily diet of RV shows in the background. I'm not much into RVs, but DH is. I like to spend time listening to the crime shows, too. Great post.

    1. I quite like the shows myself, but can't appreciate them the way he can.

  2. Being a debt advisor sounds like interesting work! How did you get into it?

    1. I went back to university and retrained as a careers advisor, but when looking for work afterwards I found that my new skills transferred well to debt advice. I work for a charity, which you can probably imagine is very busy at the moment.

  3. Sounds like a full day. Glad you can work from home.

  4. Working with other people in the house does present some interesting challenges... Still, it sounds like you're managing pretty well. My response is here.

    1. At least we're not both wrestling for computer space, since he works outside the home!

  5. Boy, do I understand different schedules. I'm an early bird, hubs is a night owl. Sounds like you're keeping busy!

    1. Yes, so are we, so his schedule of a postman is tough on him. I'm doing my best!
