
Monday 7 December 2020

A profession from a book I'd love to try

 Coming close to the end of the year now, and we're coming up to the last few prompts from Long and Short Reviews - so what profession from a book would I love to try? Well, I generally choose professions for my own characters that I would love to try, so I'd say paranormal investigator.

Tamar Steele, of I Heard Your Voice, Tamar Rising and Spiritwalker, is a psychic sensitive who works for a paranormal investigative team. I personally have never considered myself sensitive, but I've always been fascinated by the paranormal, so I would love to try being a ghosthunter.

I did go on one paranormal investigation as research - there are companies such as Compass Paranormal who run investigations the public can pay to join, so I attended one at Bolling Hall in Bradford. Sadly the scariest thing that happened was when my satnav abandoned me on the way there. The resident medium, Barrie John, did his best but very little was coming through, apart from a ghost on the ouija board who told us to go away (and who I strongly suspect was one of the other participants pushing the planchette).

So I'm not convinced it would be a very successful job, but I'd love to give it a go.

So what profession would you like to try?


  1. Good profession.

  2. I love watching ghost hunters on TV... and would probably enjoy going on a ghost hunt. My luck would be like yours though. My post is here:

    1. I do love paranormal shows, even though I know many of them fake things.

  3. Being a ghost hunter would be so cool!

    1. I've always wanted to try it, even though I doubt much would happen.

  4. I mean, yeah, I could do that, but I'd be that tactless guy who kept arguing with the ghosts. "Okay, yes, I'm sorry you feel that way but it's been forty years and we need to update the decor!"

    ...Actually that might be fun.

    My answer is here.

    1. I had to agree with the ghost who told us to go away. If someone came into my house and started asking me questions I'd get annoyed too.

  5. Oh what a fun choices. I once went with ghost hunters. Strange experience. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.
