
Tuesday 27 October 2020

How I decide what to read next

 I have to admit, I struggled a little with this topic from Long and Short Reviews, because lately the decision of what to read next has almost been made for me.

How, you might ask?

Because I have so many pre-orders that every time I switch my Kindle on I've got new books recently downloaded, so I always have at least two new ones to get through once I finish the one I'm on.

One thing that determines what I read is who I follow on Amazon - every time someone I like has a new one due I pre-order it, and if I find someone new I enjoy then I work through their back catalogue. I'm currently working on Agatha Christie's Mr Quin stories, having finished all the Marples and Poirots.

And then there are celebrities. I love autobiographies, but am also reading Richard Osman's new novel. If you're wondering how that's going, I've already pre-ordered the sequel, which should tell you everything. I also have Amy Bruni's ghost-hunting book on standby - I'm fascinated by the paranormal, even if I'm on the fence about it.

So how do you decide what to read next?


  1. I have so many books on my tablet that I'll never get to read them all... not to mention the print books. My post is here on how I choose.

  2. I have a ton on my tablet, too. I know I'll never get through them, but I need them. Lol! One day.

  3. Wow, it sounds like your TBR is huge! Good for you.

  4. Agatha Christy can keep you busy for a long time.

  5. I'm the same way, except on Bookbub. I got several new release alerts yesterday and I'm not sure where to start!

  6. Interesting how your decide what to read next, Tanith. I'm sorta of "mood" gal when it comes to reading. My feelings guide me to the book I choose. Enjoyed your post.

    1. Me too, to an extent. If I'm not sure I'll try a chapter and see how it goes.

  7. My TBR has far outstripped anything I'll be able to finish in my mortal lifetime, and I'm okay with that. (Seriously: what a problem to have!) Plus I have a tendency to re-read things I loved. So my answer is basically: it depends on what I'm in the mood for.

    1. I do too - I have several go-to books when I just want to relax.

  8. Interesting way to add to your TBR list. My TBR list is out of control. So many books, so little time. LOL Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

  9. That's a great system you've got there! What happens if you don't feel like reading one of the next few books that come up? (Assuming that's ever happened before!)

    1. I'll usually at least try it, but I'm not afraid to give up if it's not grabbing me. Most of the time it works out.
