
Monday 31 August 2020

Topics that make me stop reading a book

 This topic from Long and Short Reviews gave me pause. Usually when I stop reading a book it's because it simply isn't working for me, not because of a particular topic. However, I then remembered a few I had given up in the past and thought about what had put me off.

First off - rape. I accept rape can be a plot point and that's fine, but I was recently reading a historical in which the heroine had, in the past, been on the verge of being forced to marry her rapist and had been rescued by her now-husband at the last second. In the space of the first three chapters we had at least four instances of either her rapist approaching her at the royal court or her parents threatening to "expose" her if she didn't do what they said, and after the fourth of these I just thought "You know what, I'm done." I was there for the machinations at the royal court, not for all this.

The other main issue I had, having read a lot of short romance stories, was jealousy fiction which uses sex as so-called "punishment", i.e. one character deliberately makes the other jealous so the other will be all "Right, you're totally going to get it tonight!" Maybe it's because I find those sorts of headgames irritating in real life. In any event, I don't want to read about them - ever.

So what makes you stop reading?


  1. Interesting ... I was trying to think and can't remember those particular issues. Head games of any kind can be irritating though, can't they? If you want to stop by, my post is here

    1. I never like reading about headgames in romance.

  2. Yeah, I avoid reading books with these themes, too.

    1. I'm sure some people must enjoy them, but not me.

  3. I agree that rape can be a major plot point, but not the only one.

    1. I can live with it as a plot point, just not thrown constantly at me.

  4. Rape is a good reason to stop reading a book. I get not wanting to read any more if there's the jealousy thing, too. Seems childish to me to make someone jealous just to prove a point. Good post!

    1. Exactly - I immediately lose sympathy with the characters.

  5. I totally agree with you. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh yeah, I won't read a book that even hints at rape. I read for enjoyment and entertainment. To me, that is not entertaining. Neither is the jealously trope. Nope, shut the book, put it on the donate pile. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

    1. I agree. I want to be entertained, not made to feel sick.
