
Tuesday 5 May 2020

Favourite holiday of the year and why

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an easy one, because for me there is only one real holiday in a year. I don't tend to do anything for Easter (apart from the odd egg), we go out for dinner on Halloween to avoid having to pretend we're not in to trick-or-treaters, and as we're in the UK Thanksgiving doesn't happen - although I do envy Americans for the fantastic Thanksgiving feast.

No, for me it all comes down to Christmas.

I love the build-up, the dark nights lit with fairy lights, the mulled wine and the presents. I love having Christmas dinner with family and cooking beef on Boxing Day. For me it really is the most wonderful time of the year.

So I'm hoping the current circumstances have settled down by then and we can actually spend it with family, because we haven't seen them in weeks.

So what's your favourite holiday?


  1. I'm with you.. and I'm a not-so-closeted anglophile so I love a lot of the customs y'all have we don't, like crackers!!! I want some crackers. lol

    1. I do love crackers. We get the deluxe ones with prizes you can actually use. :)

  2. I hope you get to have a wonderful Christmas this year.

    My post:

  3. Very cool. The way you describe it (I've never had mulled wine), sounds wonderful. :-)

    1. I do love mulled wine. We have a Christmas market which sells a great Gluhwein.

  4. I love mulled wine, Tanith! This holiday is a favorite of mine, too.

    Here's mine:

    1. Mulled wine is one of the best parts of Christmas - I miss it the rest of the year.

  5. When you see your kids eyes light up after opening their presents, and now the grandkids. It makes all the energy and effort of decorating and the hassles of shopping worth while.

    1. I do love seeing people open presents, I agree.

  6. We love watching the Christmas movies. Favorite is Scrooge, with Alistair Simms. We watch that on Christmas Eve every year, after we've put the gifts under the tree. There's a fire in the fireplace, and we start it so late we usually fall asleep, waking up for the end. Did you know that Patrick,MacNee, who was in the TV show The Avengers, is in that movie, as a young Marley? And Benny Hill, the comic who used to have a TV show? He's in it as the guy at Scrooge's nephew's party, who is in love with Miss Flora. Weird the trivia you remember, right?

    1. I've never seen that one. I'll have to give it a try.

  7. Christmas is my second favorite. I love the baking, decorating, sents, sights and smells of the season. Friends and family get togethers are fun too. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

    1. Maybe not the baking, but I agree with you on the rest.

  8. We have a whole set of Christmas movies that we rotate through each year, starting (of course) with Die Hard. And yes, I dearly hope that we'll be able to spend time with family by Christmas.

    1. Ah yes, I do love Die Hard. Can't resist Alan Rickman.

  9. I want to come to your house for Christmas! LOL Sounds like you have some great traditions.

    1. They're simple, but they've always worked for us.

  10. I envy Thanksgiving feasts too, which in Australia of course we don't have. But the food people post piccies of? Amazing.
    I would love to do Christmas in the UK where it's cold and eating all those winter meals seems to fit, unlike her where it's usually stinking hot and all we want to do is scoff cold seafood!

    1. I've often wondered what it would be like having Christmas in summer. Christmas for me is all about the snow and dark nights, so I think it would feel quite bizarre!
