
Sunday 8 March 2020

One skill I wish I had but don't

The main problem I had with this topic from Long and Short Reviews was narrowing it down. I can think of plenty of things I wish I could do and can't, many of which I've attempted and failed miserably at. I did, however, manage to get it down to three.

Songwriting. As a moody teenager I spent a lot of time trying to write songs. I wasn't as bad with the lyrics as I was with the music - I can't play any musical instruments, so was stuck trying to pick out notes on a keyboard - but, looking back, they were angsty, badly rhymed nonsense. As was demonstrated when I showed one to an ex and his response was "Well... you've certainly put a lot of effort into it, anyway."

Dancing. I can just about stick to a beat, but that's it. As a child I wanted to be in stage musicals, but while I could act and sing quite well, I can't remember a dance routine for the life of me. I also have no balance or elasticity - I can't even do a high kick.

Rock singing. I haven't sung in years, but I used to be a classically trained singer. The snag with that is that, while I could manage classical songs and some musical theatre, I couldn't do pop (apart from LeAnn Rimes) and really couldn't do rock, which I love. My singing teacher thought I'd be even unhappier if it was the other way round, and maybe she was right.

So what skill do you wish you had?


  1. I absolutely love musical theatre.... this was a great post! You do have a lot of talent I wish I had :-) My post is here if you want to stop by.

    1. I still do love it, but I haven't seen a good one in a while.

  2. These are some good answers. I'd love to be skilled at rock singing, too.

    My post:

    1. I was always jealous of Kelly Clarkson for being able to manage both.

  3. My tot loves Rock music and can't carry a tune or dance to save his life. It drives him nuts because DH and I were both band geeks and I was a choir geek on top of that. But I admire your ability to sing classical. That's awesome. Go you!

    1. I used to do it quite well - I'm probably terrible now.

  4. Oh, I love music! Singing, writing songs are a couple of my wish I could dos. Great list. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine if you'd like to take a peek.

  5. I feel you on the dancing part. I'm so uncoordinated it's not even funny. Well, okay, my husband always thought it was funny! Great answers. :)

    1. I can just about manage to jig about to a beat, nothing more.

  6. I love classical music and a beautiful voice. It would be a shame to ruin it for a gravely rock voice.

  7. I went through the angsty bad poetry and music phase too, Tanith. It's a right of passage! I wish I'd kept my efforts though. They'd be funny to look back on now. Embarrassing, but still funny.

    1. I can still remember a few of them. They were truly awful.

  8. These are all awesome skills to aspire to. Great post! My sister got the music gene in our family. I love to dance, but I'm sure I look like I'm possessed when doing it. That doesn't keep me from trying, though. :)

    1. I also love to dance - probably safest if I don't though. :)
