
Tuesday 24 March 2020

Favourite things to do in the spring

Ah, if only we'd known, when this topic from Long and Short Reviews initially came up, that we'd be spending the spring behind closed doors. At least, I am. As of today the UK is on lockdown, I'm working from home and not setting foot outside except to go to the supermarket or pharmacist.

So it's a little unfortunate that one of my favourite things to do in the spring is go to nature reserves, because that won't be happening this year.

I also had hopes to go back to Alnwick to see the cherry blossoms, but again, that's closed.

What else do I like to do in the spring? Well, the nights are lighter but the weather is still cold, so I also like to go to the cinema and visit new restaurants. Again, not much chance of that at the moment.

So my plans this year are to watch as many films at home as I can, read a lot of books, and drink a lot of Mojitos. May as well enjoy being inside!

So what are your favourite things to do in the spring?


  1. We are sending a lot of healing thoughts y'all's way... the same here as far as "sheltering in place". Thankfully most of my favorite things involve our own yard and I work from home anyway.

    1. At least I can work from home - I'm dealing with a lot of people who have been fired or put on unpaid leave.

  2. This virus sucks. We have wide open spaces and walking is encouraged, also much warmer dry weather. Stay healthy and this will pass.

    1. We can exercise outside, but it's easier just to stay in, frankly.

  3. Yes, this pandemic definitely does suck.

    I hope you stay healthy. We're in lockdown in Ontario, too.

    My post:

  4. I understand. We're stuck inside, too. I look at the flowers growing in my front landscaping and get a little sad I can't enjoy it more. Oh well. There will be another spring and the virus will go away eventually.

  5. We're going into our second week of lockdown (in place until April 7th, but I fear it will be longer)here in California. I'll have to appreciate spring in my backyard for now. Though I do like your idea of drinking Mojitos! :) Be well.

    1. Yes, as long as nobody has been panic-buying limes!

  6. I enjoy all the things you listed too. But as you said not his year. I still enjoy walking the neighborhood early morning and looking at all the new plants poking above the drab landscape. Here's my list.

    1. I'm staying indoors and looking out the window - it's safer.

  7. I thought the same thing when I started writing my blog for this topic today. Most of our springtime activities have been cancelled. Stay safe!

  8. Spring is when we all look forward to getting outside again. We're still allowed (for now) to go for walks outside, here in the Midwest in the US, and everyone you pass will say "Hi," just because we've all felt so isolated for the past 1 1/2 weeks. I'll be happy when we can get back to planning some camping trips, to really get outdoors and enjoy it. But for now, even just walking around my own backyard is a refreshing break from being least when it's not raining or (gasp!) snowing.

    1. We're allowed out for exercise, but I'd rather just stay in than have to explain it to the police.

  9. While we aren't on a full lock down here in Houston TX like a lot of places are, we are on work at home orders and aren't supposed to go out, a lot of things are closed here as well. So I feel your pain.

    I'm sorry you won't get to experience some of the things you love to do so maybe hold on to them to make them extra special when we get back to some sort of normal.

  10. Yes. all of our favourite things have been curtailed, sadly. And when the weather is so gorgeous too. At least, it is here.
    As Patrick said, this virus sucks.

    1. It's quite nice here too, although I've heard it may snow.
