
Sunday 16 February 2020

Types of exercise I enjoy

When this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up I could hear my husband laughing hysterically. I am not a person who exercises and never have been. So my favourite type of exercise?


My husband and I like to go for long walks around the area. Yorkshire is known for its beautiful scenery and wildlife, so we'll go out walking and take photos everywhere.

This was taken at Snaizeholme up in the Yorkshire Dales. It took some getting to, but the red squirrels come right up to you to eat.

This was at Brimham Rocks, a beautiful natural area.

And this was up on Ilkley Moor. Again a bit of a hike, but worth it.

So what types of exercise do you enjoy?


  1. Walking definitely counts and going out to enjoy the scenery makes it fun and not work!

  2. You definitely live in a beautiful part of the world... I would enjoy walking there! My post is here:

  3. Nice scenic walks, the good life.

  4. I love taking long, scenic walks, too. They're invigorating for both the mind and the body.

    My <a href="“>post</a>.

    1. They're definitely good for blowing away the cobwebs.

  5. Yep walking is a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. Here's mine.

  6. Walking is so good for you! And I love the pictures - nothing like that here in the desert. :)

    My post.

  7. Those are great pictures! Love them. We can see bald eagles where I live and I'm trying to get a picture of them (At a safe distance). Good for you for walking. Just got back from mine. :-)

  8. Walking is great exercise! And I loved seeing your pictures of things you've seen along the way.

  9. I would be out walking ALL THE TIME if I lived in Yorkshire. I really would.

    My post is here.

  10. SQUIRREL!!!
    You probably think that's funny, Tanith, but the first time I went to the UK and saw squirrels I was ridiculously excited. They were too cute. Which is probably what you think about our kangaroos, whereas we go... meh!

    1. I do love squirrels, particularly red ones as they're very rare over here.

  11. Hahaha. Husbands are excellent for laughing at the worst time! Brave man!

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