
Monday 27 January 2020

Best book, movie and TV couples

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. I don't tend to pay a lot of attention to couples in books, films or TV shows. However, when I thought about it, I did remember some which I had always liked, although whether anyone would agree with me is open to question.

The Amber Spyglass - Baruch and Balthamos. A pair of male angels from His Dark Materials who are a perfectly imperfect couple, balancing Baruch's tender nature with Balthamos's sarcasm.

The Conjuring - Ed and Lorraine Warren. Portrayed by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, these created a loving relationship that I completely bought into throughout the film as they used their individual skills to hunt ghosts.

Star Trek: Voyager - Seven of Nine and Chakotay. This only cropped up near the end of the series, but it was lovely to watch former Borg Seven of Nine in her first relationship.

And I couldn't finish without mentioning Azure and Liam Wilder from my novel Photograph. Despite their twenty-year age gap these two are perfect for each other in every way.

So who are your favourite book, TV and film couples?


  1. Some very good choices here... makes me want to rewatch Voyager...I loved Seven of Nine's character. My post is here:

  2. I really loved Ed and Lorraine … their solid relationship kind of made what they did possible. Are you watching "Picard"?

  3. Yeah, Seven of Nine and Chatokay were a great couple for sure.

    My post.

  4. I don't remember Seven of Nine and Chatokay getting together, but that doesn't mean much. I haven't seen that series in forever. I do have to agree with you on Azure and Liam Wilder. They were great together.

  5. I'm unfamiliar with most of these and will have to check them out! Voyager was one of the incarnations of ST that I didn't watch as much as others and it's definitely on my list.

    1. I loved Voyager. It was DS9 I never really watched.

  6. I agree with the couple fron the Conjuring and Star Trek. Enjoyed your list, thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

    1. I thought they really made the film series work.

  7. Loved the characters, Baruch and Balthamos from "The Amber Spyglass"! Must re-read the story.

  8. Great list! I didn't realize that Seven of Nine ever ended up in a relationship, but then I didn't watch as much of that series as I probably should have. (And, yes, I probably need to read His Dark Materials at some point...)

    My list is here.

    1. It was very close to the end, probably the last couple of episodes.

  9. Good list. They did expand 7 of 9 making her more human each season. There were times when they flirted with a fling between Janeway and Chatokay.

    1. Yes, I remember. I'm quite glad they didn't follow it up, though.

  10. Good List! Not familiar with any of the choices and will have to check them out!

  11. Ooh, loved your choice of Baruch and Balthamos. That makes me want to go read The Amber Spyglass again. I hope the new TV series makes it to them too.
