
Monday 9 December 2019

My earliest memory

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. I had honestly no idea what my earliest memory was. What sort of things do you remember as a child? What do you want to remember? And I ultimately realised the things I remember most are things with family.

I can remember going with my parents and a friend to visit my Aunt Dora on her farm in the country, helping to feed the chicks and watching the sheep shearing. I had a great photograph of my friend stroking a lamb and looking absolutely shocked, never having seen anything wilder than a cat or dog before.

I can remember going to see my grandad in Dorset, staying in his very old farmhouse and playing with Ginger, a farm cat who ruled the entire neighbourhood and beat the stuffing out of every other animal that ventured onto the property.

And I shouldn't be surprised that I can remember looking out of the car window at Cerne Abbas when my mother (who at that point could still see - she went blind when I was twelve) pointed out and said "Look." And there on the hill was the Cerne Giant. I deliberately haven't included a photo of that out of delicacy, but I'm sure you all know what that looks like...

So what are your earliest memories?


  1. Have to confess that I had to look up the Cerne Giant. I may have seen a picture of it before but don't remember (see what I did there?) My post is here.

  2. I had to look up the Giant, too. I'd never seen it before, so that's cool and kind of funny she'd point it out. Funny in a good way. I'm glad you have those memories. :-) Good post.

    1. She probably thought I was too young to understand what I was looking at...

  3. Intriguing way to make us prudish Americans look up the giant. Wonder if someone would put up next to those monstrous crosses around small towns.

    1. I also like white horses on hills, but definitely prefer the Giant.

  4. I have to admit to being a tiny bit jealous of how many pictures are taken today...literally everything is being documented. I wish we'd had that as kids, so didn't have to rely on faulty memories so much. Yours are good and yes, I had to look up the Giant, too!

  5. Hahaha at the Ceme Giant. I had to Google that, too.

    Great memories though.

  6. Thanks for sharing a really lovely (and hilarious!) selection of memories! My answer is here.

  7. When my son was little, we took him to visit my husband's aunt and uncle on their farm in Kansas. He helped to collect eggs, and feed the cows, and chase the barn cats around. I hope one day he has the sort of fond recollections as you have of yours. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I particularly wanted a cat of my own - didn't get one until years later though.
