
Monday 2 December 2019

Book boyfriends

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was easy in some ways and difficult in others, because I have to admit, my favourite men from books tend to be ones I've written myself - I spend a lot of time picturing them and their relationship with the heroine, after all. So forgive me if some of these look like blatant advertising.

Ash Drake of The Hand He Dealt - Ash was my first hero and is still my favourite. A star American football player, he broke through my heroine Astra's image of him as a meathead to capture her heart.

Liam Wilder of Photograph - Not the standard hero, Liam is twenty years older than his wife Azure but is the perfect caring husband, to such a degree that Azure's twin sister Tara wants to steal him - if only at first.

Will Vandenmeer of Ready for Him - My own take on a dominant billionaire, Will is everything Jade needs in a man - strong, considerate and with a taste of hand spanking.

Mr Knightley of Emma - Oh, you thought I'd pick Mr Darcy? I've always preferred Mr Knightley myself. I'm not sure I'd have the patience for Darcy's arrogance.

Sherlock Holmes or Dr Watson - I appreciate that Watson is probably the safer choice here, since Holmes's views on women are not the best (even for Irene Adler) but I have to admit having a fondness for Holmes's intelligence.

So who are your book boyfriends or girlfriends?


  1. Great list... and it's easy to see why the guys you love the most would be those you spent the most time with. I have to admit to having a fondness for Darcy though... arrogance and all.

    1. I do like Darcy, but I think I could only admire him from afar.

  2. Ooh, Mr. Knightly is a good choice.

    My post.

  3. I loved The Hand He Dealt. It's a good story and Ash is a great character. I don't mind the advertising. Reminded me of books I loved and wanted to add to my list. :-)

  4. I felt sort of the same way … the first person I thought of was the hero of my story "One Love for Liv". I mean, if they're your heroes you HAVE to fall in love with them, right?

    1. You spend so much time with them, it does help.

  5. Makes total sense that yours would be your favorites. After all, they're your ideal heroes, right?

    My post

  6. Loved your list. I understand exactly how book boyfriends you have written yourself tend to be your favorites. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.

    1. They spend so much time in your head, it's hard not to love them.

  7. As a father to a daughter, I could see how you might get caught up in the notoriety of Holmes, but Watson would make a much better boyfriend.

    1. Probably yes. Holmes was something of a misogynist.
