
Sunday 27 October 2019

Things that scare me

This one from Long and Short Reviews was easy, because there are only a few things that particularly scare me. I watch so much horror that I'm pretty difficult to scare now. However, despite my constantly reading about the paranormal, one of the things that scares me...

---is ghosts.

I admit that the more I read about the paranormal, the less likely I think I am to see one. I even spent two nights in a haunted hotel suite and saw nothing. I am, however, open to the possibility, but also terrified at the thought. Ghosts don't act according to the rules - they can do whatever they want. I don't fancy encountering a spirit that can appear wherever and however it wants.

Which leads on to my second fear - mirrors in the dark. I've seen enough films to know that if our heroine looks in a mirror in the dark, either there will be someone standing behind her, someone other than herself will be looking back, or her reflection will tell her to get out before it's too late. Needless to say, I've never tried scrying, because that would really ruin me.

My third fear is much more basic - tidal waves. I appreciate that living in the middle of the country means I'm unlikely to see one, but the sheer size and power of them scares me to death. If you turn round and see a giant wave coming towards you, you've had it. I have tried to bully myself out of this fear by watching a lot of films with giant waves, but so far it hasn't worked.

So what scares you?


  1. MIRRORS! Seriously ... they are always bad in movies. My kid (who loves horror) refuses to have a mirror (aside from in the bathroom) in her apt. LOL... I actually have a ghost experience here if you're interested in reading.

    My WWBC is here:

  2. I'd never thought much about mirrors in the dark, but I've been startled when I walked past one without remembering it was there. My post is here.

  3. I've been startled by walking by glass and seeing my reflection in the dark, so I get it. Good post!

  4. Mirrors in the dark were on my list, too! They are so spooky.

    And, yeah, ghosts and tidal waves can definitely be scary as well.

    My post.

  5. I was a security guard at a meat packing plant working grave yard shift. The swing shift guy told me about a ghost that lurked between the main building and the pump house and to not get scared when I made my rounds. He was pulling my chain because the only I got scared out there was when I opened the door and cat ran between my legs. I beat it back to the main building.

    1. They probably tell that to all the new workers.

  6. Great lists. Ghosts intrigue me, but tidal waves scary. Great list!
    Heres mine

  7. Oh, tidal waves. Any sort of natural disaster that you only see when it's too late to escape. Yes, I can absolutely see that.

    My answer is here

    1. Yes, exactly. Luckily I'm unlikely to meet one.
