
Tuesday 15 October 2019

Popular/famous books I don't plan to read

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an unusual one since, frankly, I'll read almost anything. It's rare that a book will come up that I won't at least consider. However, I did find there were a few that I would avoid no matter what.

Remembrance of Things Past - Marcel Proust. I did once have this on my reading list until a friend attempted it and couldn't get past the first three pages. I don't mind a challenge, but I think I'll pass.

Divine Comedy - Dante Alghieri. This is primarily because I studied part of this at university in Italian. I'm sure it's a worthwhile read but I have terrible memories of Dante.

Any Dan Brown not in the Da Vinci series. I may surprise some people when I say I don't mind Dan Brown, but only the Da Vinci books. I tried one of his others and found it to be a poor imitation of Michael Crichton.

So what do you never plan to read?


  1. 50 Shades. I don't read bad femsub unless I'm being paid to do so.

    1. I have to admit I fell into the hype and did read those.

  2. I was not a big fan of the Divine Comedy either. I've never gone back to reread it.

    My post.

    1. Maybe one day I'll change my mind and try it again.

  3. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon ... I should have put this on my post. I've tried three times and hated it. Have a good friend who mentioned trying to read and and had the same experience. :: shrug :: ... have another very good friend who loves the series.

    I'm here:

    1. It sounded good when I read about it, but I've never tried it.

  4. Outlander and The Handmaid's Tale. I know, I know. I'm not popular for those choices. Oh well. Great list, though. I get it about Dan Brown. Some series grab you and some don't.

    1. I didn't mind The Handmaid's Tale. Never watched the show though.

  5. I like Dan listening to Origin right now. Have not read the other two..and probably won't :-)

  6. I skipped this week because there are very few things I won't at least TRY to read. That said, I do love Dan Brown. LOL

  7. Sometimes writers are overhyped and when you read them you wonder what he fuss was about. I was that way with Da Vinci Code. It's climax was silly. I've liked the Outlander series, but wouldn't read the books.

    1. Da Vinci Code was silly but somehow fun for me.
