
Monday 9 September 2019

Books I keep meaning to read but haven't

I've got a lot better at reading books when I intend to, but when this topic from Long and Short Reviews came up I realised there were still a few sitting on my bookshelf that I've never got around to reading.

Part of the problem, I think, is that I read everything on my Kindle these days, so when I have something in paperback I tend to forget it's there. I've been halfway through "Men, Women and Chain Saws" for ages for that very reason. And then there are these:

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath. I originally picked it up because it sounded like an interesting take on depression and haven't touched it since.

Catch-22 - Joseph Heller. Again it sounded interesting, but I think the war angle may have put me off.

A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess. I know why I haven't read this one - the violence got in the way. However, I'm determined to read it one day.

So what have you been meaning to read?


  1. Good post and I completely understand forgetting print books! Here are some of mine.

    1. I've picked up some new print books recently so will have to make sure I don't forget them.

  2. I started the Bell Jar years ago and never finished it. I just didn't get back to it. Good list!

  3. The Bell Jar was a great book. I hope you get to read it sometime.

    My post.

  4. All classics, Tanith... well worth reading. But I know the problem of forgetting you even HAVE ebooks!

    1. I get behind and then suddenly go on a rush of reading everything.

  5. Good post, thanks for sharing. I have the same problem, if the book gets violent, I don't usually continue. Enough violence in the news, on TV, don'e need to read it. I've read Catch-22 when it was required reading.
    Heres my list:

  6. From a psychological perspective, I loved A Clockwork Orange. That said, I'm not sure I could *read* it either.

    My post

  7. Yeah, the Kindle has kind of gotten me out of the habit of picking up paper books - not completely, though. But I am finding that some of the things I read in my youth were printed in amazingly small fonts, and without an ebook they're nearly impossible to re-read!
