
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Favourite things to do in the summer

I write this prompt for Long and Short Reviews while looking out of the window at driving rain. Good old British weather. For this reason, top of my list of favourite things to do in the summer is:

Watching the rain with a cocktail. More likely a can of cider when I’m at home, but I have had many holidays in which walks in the sun have unexpectedly turned into afternoons with cocktails as we watch the hammering rain from inside a bar.

Visiting the seaside, or areas of beauty. Okay, Scarborough may not be the most beautiful place in the world – for natural beauty I’m more likely to go to the Lakes or the Peak District. But there is something about walking down the seafront with an icecream watching the galleon go past.

Barbecues. Now that we’ve moved into a new house we’re planning to invite family over for a barbecue or two. My husband is looking forward to rolling his sleeves up and trying not to burn the sausages.

So what do you like to do in summer?


  1. I would love to visit... even with the rain :-) I am a not-so-closeted anglophile, so everything sounds great. And, now I have "Are You Going to Scarborough Fair" running through my mind. My post is live here.

    1. I do love Scarborough, cheap and cheesy though it is.

  2. I like going to the seaside and attending barbecues, too. They're both wonderful things to do during the warm weather.

    My post.

    1. I haven't had the chance to do either yet this summer, but I hope to soon.

  3. I'm all for those things. In Ohio, it seems like it hasn't stopped raining since May. So a cocktail while watching the rain sounds good. I'm in.
    Great list. :-)

    1. I expect to do that a lot this summer - the weather's looking terrible.

  4. That actually sounds really lovely.

    1. As far as the watching of rain goes, it's likely to happen a lot this summer.

  5. Having grown up in the desert southwest of the US, I love a good rainstorm! But watching it with a cocktail in hand sounds even better! :)

    1. We haven't had a really spectacular one for a while, but they're always fun to watch.
