
Monday 10 June 2019

Favourite book covers and why

This prompt by Long and Short Reviews made me think, because it’s been a long time since I’ve really noticed a book cover. O had to go back over my collection and refresh my memory. However, there were a couple I found that definitely stuck out.

Before I Fall – Lauren Oliver. This was the first Lauren Oliver book I read and really drew my attention the first time I saw it. For me it perfectly captures the dreamy teenage beauty of the novel.

Nemesis – Isaac Asimov. The blurb on this was terrible, talking about a red dwarf “as red as the colour of blood”, but the image of the churning star terrified me as a child.

And I couldn’t resist using one of my own. Ready For Him is about a tattooed, pierced, Mohawk-wearing martial artist who meets a dominant billionaire in Las Vegas, and the image Totally Bound used to represent her is stunning.

So what are your favourite covers?


  1. I love the cover for Nemesis. Wow, it's eye-catching.

    My post.

    1. There was another which was equally stunning but I couldn't find it.

  2. I'm an Asimov fan, but I don't remember that one.. will have to check it out. My choices are here.

    1. It's a good one - a standalone about the discovery of long distance space travel.

  3. I loved the covers for the Billionaire series. Those were simple and hot. The other choices are great, too, because they're simple and clean. Good ones!

  4. These are really nice! I especially like Nemesis.

    1. It's a very effective cover - it captures the idea perfectly.
