
Tuesday 5 March 2019

Favourite Hobby and Why

This topic from Long and Short Reviews’ blog hop was an interesting one. I’m not a person who does arts and crafts or sports, so my idea of a hobby was always going to be less practical and more sedentary. What do I like to do in my spare time?

The cinema.

A lot of people will say that dinner and a film is an unimaginative date, but seeing films at the cinema is one of my favourite things to do. There’s something about the experience of watching a film on the big screen – the atmosphere, the darkness, the surround sound – that I absolutely love. I’ll see almost anything, although I’m not a lover of comedy (apart from Blazing Saddles). Action, historical, biopics – and of course horror.

Horror films are my guilty pleasure. Other than torture porn, I’ll watch any kind of horror and probably enjoy it. I particularly love paranormal horror, as there’s something about the paranormal that fascinates me – I’ve even been on paranormal investigations, although I highly doubt I’ll ever see anything real. But watching a really good horror that scares you out of your skin is something I absolutely love.

So what are your favourite hobbies?


  1. I like your version of a hobby. I've been invited to ghost hunt, but I hate being around creepy crawlies (the prison where they ghost hunted had bugs and dead critters, so Still, a date night sounds fun. :-)

    1. No bugs at the ones I went to, but no ghosts either, sadly.

  2. I'm fascinated by your answer because I don't like going to the cinema at all. I'd much rather watch films at home where I can have any snack I wish for and pause for bathroom breaks if needed. Hehe. :)

    What was it like to be on a paranormal investigation? That sounds so fun.

    My post.

    1. I like watching films at home for the same reason! The investigators did their best to make it a fun evening, but despite their best efforts we didn't see anything.

  3. I think your hobbies sound fun, they might not be me but that doesn't mean I couldn't have a new experience:)

    Here are my hobbies:

  4. I love movies! I'd go all the time if I could. I also really, really want to go ghost hunting. I'm pretty convinced we have a ghost in our house (I wrote about it here: and the idea fascinates me!

    1. The only snag with ghost hunting is having to drive home at 3am afterwards, but it was fun!

  5. I can fully support a hobby like this! Also, I love horror, too, but cheesy as heck b-movies are my favorite. Something about the ridiculousness of them that draws me in.

    My post

    1. I do love a good b-movie - and some really bad ones too.

  6. I'm not that big on going to movies, mostly because my husband doesn't do well (he gets restless easily and can't sit still), I don't like going alone, and I hate spending the money! You can see my favorite hobby here:
